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Everything posted by Trussben

  1. Don't believe it Bob, trying to rig something this small is causing me issues at the moment, using optivisor constantly!
  2. Very glad you are going to go again, we shall all be here waiting when your ready. Ben
  3. Correct Augie - many an eagle eye on MSW to keep us honest, I remember a member spotting a 1mm difference in my stern ports on the Confed, I didn't even see it until I measured it!! Ben
  4. Looks mighty fine to me Egan, great detailing. Ben
  5. Very nice build there Ryland, I never saw this in MSW 1.0, glad I have now, keep it coming. Ben
  6. Excellent start on the next phase of the rigging Augie. Andy - I can see what your talking about, LMAO, had to do a double take before I saw it. Bandits at 3 O clock low squadron leader. Ben
  7. Dont go anywhere near the " Fair a Frame " from Model Shipways - totally useless, Ive seen most people who did buy it just use it as a keel clamper for which a piece of scap wood works just as well. ben
  8. Beautiful metal work, If you can share more info on that torch arrangement it would be great, never seen a setup like that before. ben
  9. Nice work on the coppering there Mark - there are a few ways to clean it up but Acetone has worked for me before just fine. Are you going to leave it bright or try and accelerate the patina? I remember a post by Chuck where he used some Sun Tan lotion of all things to darken up the brass faster. ben
  10. Very Nice finish you got on that mahogany. This is a new one on me, I dont think this has been built by anybody else here on MSW - at least I havent noticed it anyway - I shall pop in and watch your progress now and then. ben
  11. safe travels buddy - I may actually be able to do an update before you get back. ben
  12. Nice Catch and fix on a misaligned frame, Keep checking the plans is becoming one of my Mantra's!! ben
  13. Yep - looking good, I also use titebond glue, the fumes from CA really affect me! Ben
  14. Whoa! Sorry buddy - I didn't want to send you down the rabbit hole, I'm sure whatever you decide will be superb. Please leave a lil of your pension for food and beer, Jeff at hobbymill will survive!!! Ben
  15. Hi, Id have to agree with Russ, the plans could be distorted - is there a scale bar on the plans that you can check with a ruler to see if thats where is issue is? The Rattlesnake I believe is one of MS older designs compared to the current Syren/Confederacy kits which have superb plans and instructions so it could indeed be an issue with the scale plans, I would not worry about it and build with what you have unless you see more problems. ben
  16. Yeh, I've almost finished mine now, just on the rigging now, damn tiny blocks!! But most of my building time ( not much at moment ) is spent in the Confederacy with occasional jumps back to the Longboat. Ben
  17. Hah, I remember the super strength issue, you did a great fix though. I can't wait to start planking the insides. Ben
  18. Hey Rusty, great pics, your capstan, bitts and pumps are seriously beautiful, hope I can do half as well using the laser cut parts as you did scratch building them. Ben
  19. You're a very luck man to have been able to attend that workshop, I wish I could go!
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