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Everything posted by gjdale

  1. Nice to see you back at it Remco. I've missed your beautiful work. I wonder what miniature challenges we can throw your way again.......
  2. Thanks for the welcome home Danny, John and Mobbsie. Finally got home at lunchtime today - a bit knackered after the flights, but pleased to be home again after a wonderful holiday. One of the highlights of this trip for me, and one which will stay with me for a very long time, was the opportunity to get together with Mobbsie and Christine, and Sjors and Anja. I look forward to many more Skype chats with you all and of course I would love the chance to return the hospitality if you make it down under. In the meantime, after a further day of rest, work will recommence in the shipyard on Monday (long weekend here - how's that for planning?! )
  3. Hong Kong was just a 24hr stopover to break up the flight. Georgina (the Admiral) slept for 12 hours straight when we got there, so we didn't even venture outside of the hotel on this visit! Finally made it back to Oz at 7:30am this morning, landing in Sydney after a nine hour flight from HK. Then we stood in a queue for an hour and a half just to transfer to the domestic terminal for our final one hour flight home to Canberra. I feel embarrassed for all the visitors to this country who are met with this sort of inefficiency the moment they set foot here! Still have an hour to kill before our connecting flight, so a perfect opportunity to catch up with the forum. Augie - the US is in our sights for another trip in a few years time (once the bank balance recovers from this one!) I'll look forward to some good old US hospitality then.
  4. Congratulations on your promotion Captain John! Come join us at the windbags' table. It's not quite as windy as at the flag officers' table with Sjors, but we make up for that in numbers.
  5. John, I think Augie meant, whatever you're smoking, he'd like a kilo of it! And yeah what Sjors said.
  6. Racing along now Sjors - not long before you're onto the yards and running rigging. Looking good my friend. (Sent from Hong Kong airport, awaiting our final flight home).
  7. You can order directly from Model Expo in the US, who produce this kit, but you will still be up for a hefty postage bill - a problem regularly faced by we Antipodeans. If you buy from Model Expo when the kit is "on sale" (quite regularly), the savings on the kit price might offset the cost of postage. That's the approach I take anyway. I note that Cornwall Model Boats in the UK do carry a limited range of the Model Shipways kits - you might try asking them to get one in for you, but I don't know how that will affect the price. Hope this helps.
  8. Great work on the frames Rusty - she sure is big at this scale!
  9. Hi Bob, I just have to echo everyone else's comments and say well done under difficult circumstances. I hope you reach fairer winds and calmer seas soon.
  10. Congratulations Robbyn on reaching this major milestone - it's a mixture of satisfaction and relief to get to this point isn't it? You've met and overcome quite a few challenges to get to this point, so you should also be feeling very proud of yourself too! Despite the poor kit instructions, don't rush the next part with yards and running rigging. Take your time and think it through, and it will all come together for you. You've already proved your ability to do this, and do it well. I hope you find a new dog soon - they are such wonderful companions, regardless of breed. As Mark says though, sometimes the "right" time happens without us knowing it.
  11. Hi Augie, I've been off the air for a while as we were "sans Internet" while in Venice. On the way home now, laying over in London overnight before the long haul back to Oz, and finally had the opportunity to get another MSW fix. Your Confed is looking great - lots of progress since I last checked in! Those pen sanders really are the ducks guts. I have the Proxxon version (to overcome the power supply issue) and used it extensively when I was doing the re-build of my Victory stern. An absolute must have in my opinion.
  12. Fabulous work Dan / Peter. Congratulations on a truly outstanding build.
  13. Just found your log on this one Ed. Like many others, I enjoyed and learned so much from your Naiad log that I will be sure to follow this one through as well.
  14. Yep, big improvement Sjors. Well done for doing the re-do!
  15. Great to hear you solved your little problem there Robbyn. Just an observation on ratlines and glue - you don't need to wait for the glue to dry on one set before moving on to the next. I used diluted white PVA on mine and had no problem doing it this way.
  16. Very nice start Albert. I'll certainly follow along with this one.
  17. Okay, made it! Lucky I reserved a front row centre seat for this one!
  18. Count me in for an OSS (with tilt option). I already own the table saw, disc sander and draw plate, and will shortly be ordering a thickness sander. The rope walk is also on my "to-buy" list. I'd order an OSS from Jim the moment it was available (so you'd better be making it with a 240v motor option! )
  19. Nice progress there Sjors. Hope "the company" appreciates your productivity during your sick leave :P
  20. Wonderful job on the carving Sherry - just beautiful. If that didn't give your confidence a real boost, then I'm sure all the positive comments you've received sure did!
  21. Welcome home Ben. I look forward to seeing more updates soon.
  22. Nice work on the shrouds David, and well done for having the courage to take them off and re-do them.
  23. Hi Mobbsie, I've been offline for most of the week as the place we were staying in Dorset had no Internet and no mobile phone coverage! I was going through a bad case of MSW withdrawal by the time we left. No shipmodelling, but did manage a visit to Portland Bill while we were there (on one of only two days in the week that the lighthouse is closed to visitors ) We're in Florence (Italy) now and I just received another dose of kultcha with a four-hour tour of the Ufizzi Gallery and Vasari Corridor. Time now to put the feet up for a while and catch up with all my MSW friends. Thanks again for a great weekend at Chatham, Portsmouth and Chateau Mobbsie!
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