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Everything posted by gjdale

  1. Lots of good advice already. When you do decide to buy a tool, buy Byrnes! These tools are not only a joy to use, but are works of art in their own right. So, if you end up not getting the use out of it, you can always frame it and add it to your art collection!
  2. Bummer Andy! Have a safe trip - Peggy will be waiting patiently when you return.
  3. Thanks for the congrats everyone - guess this means I'm officially a gas bag! Andy - I think I'll avoid that other table, there's very strong winds over there! Mark - you are absolutely right, but then again, that's half the fun. And there are so many clever people on this site to "borrow" ideas from.
  4. Thanks Sjors, Brian, and Mobbsie. Sjors - I suggest you buy one for Anja, as she will obviously need it for her scratch build, and then grovel sufficiently long enough that she lets you use it! Brian - Warrior is still in sight, but commencement may be delayed. Aside from finally finishing this build, I have another smaller scratch project I wish to tackle first - sort of a training run if you like. In the meantime, I'm looking forward to seeing you start a build log for your Warrior so that you can show me the way! Mobbsie - the dark side has certainly got a firm hold now. I've been using this current build to experiment with various different aspects of scratch building and have been having fun, although it has slowed me down somewhat! Now that I've added block making to the list, I think the only thing I haven't tried yet is rope making. But that will have to wait for the next build. I've decided to "outsource" the running rigging rope making to Chuck. Just waiting on delivery of some of his excellent rope now.
  5. Have a great trip Augie - I hope the Moose are good to you!
  6. Nice to see you back in the shipyard Gary. Love the ropewalk with its little "extras"!
  7. Looking great Kevin. She certainly is going to be big across the girth with all the stunsls set!
  8. Kevin, Scale conversion is not a black art. At 1/72 scale, simply divide by 72. If you like to work in inches, your 51ft becomes 51 x 12 / 72 (with your answer being in inches) If you prefer to work in mm, then it becomes 51 x 12 x 25.4 / 72 (with your answer being in mm).
  9. Very kind of you Sjors! Once you've done the dishes, cleaned up Andy's workroom, and made the coffee for Anja, you might be allowed a little building time for yourself!
  10. Nice one Centurion, like it, like it! (for the Monty Python fans)
  11. Thanks Patrick fr your kind words. I'm sure you'll be delighted with your blocks from Chuck.
  12. For anyone interested, Modellers Shipyard (in Australia) currently has this seminal work available for $50 (AUD). They also have several of the AOTS series availed at $59. I've no idea of shipping costs, and I have no connection with the company. Here is a link: http://www.modelshipyard.com.au/books/
  13. Congratulations Scott, I wish you much joy in your build.
  14. Kevin, Don't sell yourself short my friend. You're doing a wonderful job on this build and your willingness to rectify errors, be they yours or the kit manufacturer's, is merely evidence of your high standards.
  15. Just beautiful Karl, as always. I love watching your work, it is so neat and precise - quite an inspiration!
  16. Mine quite often looks the same Andy, but I periodically have a big clean up to try and keep it under control. Just don't let Mobbsie see it - he'll give you some real stick over it! Actually, come to think of it, now that Anja is busy doing Mod stuff, Sjors is doing a lot more housework, so maybe he could come and clean up for you!
  17. I certainly agree with Andy's method and wish I had thought of that when doing my Vic - would have been much easier, I think!
  18. Thanks Aldo, but it's not my technique, it's Chuck's - I just made a couple of minor mods to the jig. Thanks Keith for putting the link in to Toni's work - she's one talented lady! And thanks Mike for dropping by - nice to see you back at the all new MSW 2.0, and welcome aboard my log.
  19. Okay, I guess we could fill a few pages with new superlatives based on Augie's name. Let's see: On this Augspicious occasion.......... That's really rather Augcellent work........ Quite Augstanding actually......... This Augurs well for your next build....... You can take that for Granted (oops, wrong name! What was I thinking? ) :P
  20. Very nice Andy - your work always looks very neat (unlike your work space! ). I agree with you re TFFM vol IV - it's a great general reference and has been a big help to me on Victory. It helps me to understand the sometimes more dense writing of Longridge.
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