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Everything posted by gjdale

  1. I agree Kevin - it’s always interesting to see your progress on this one, particularly as this has been a resurrection from a subject you had all but given up on. I might not comment much, but I do enjoy following your progress.
  2. I honestly can not see your “disaster” Bradley, so either it’s not that bad, or you did a superb job with your fix.
  3. Must be a relief to have reached this stage! She’s looking great.
  4. John, As others have suggested, check your gear sizes for the Venus gear. In your Photo #2, Step 1 it shows part #28 (41-tooth gear) on top and part #34 (39-tooth gear) on the bottom. There is a difference of only two teeth in these gears. Your subsequent photos look like there is a larger difference in size. I've just had a close look at mine, and the difference in overall size is negligible, as shown in the instruction pictures. I suspect you have somehow got a wrong gear in there.
  5. Congratulations on completing another fine build Kevin. She looks fabulous.
  6. This kit is in my stash as well, so I’ll follow along with interest too. Looks like you’re off to a great start so far, Bradley.
  7. John, Do you have the complete instructions for this? I ask because I too have built this Orrery and had no difficulty with getting things to go together correctly. If you do not have them, I can send you a PDF copy of them.
  8. Happy Birthday Andrew! More meticulous work I see - looking fabulous.
  9. Sorry to hear of your back pain issues Nenad, but glad to see you back posting again. Hope your health continues to improve.
  10. Hello Jay and welcome to MSW. You’ll find a strong contingent of us Aussies here. You’ve joined a very friendly and supportive forum too. There are plenty of build logs for your Cutty Sark here, so a wealth of information from those who have trodden your particular path before. Please do start your own build log too - you will find it the most valuable tool in your toolbox.
  11. Very nice work so far Andrew. Thanks for taking the time to provide so much detail in how you have approached the build - I’m sure it will be helpful to many, me included as I have this kit in my stash. I’ll continue to follow your build with interest.
  12. I’ll pull up a chair for this one too Bill. The Chris Craft boats truly are things of beauty and watching your scratch build looks to be a fascinating journey. Have you considered making this a “working” model (ie by adding RC to it)?
  13. Looking good Chris - nice to see her right way up again!
  14. So sorry to hear your sad news Doris. As others have said, you have made a beautiful model that your husband would have been proud to see you complete.
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