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Everything posted by gjdale

  1. Boyd, I could have sworn I posted something here yesterday, but it seems to have been lost in the ether. If the knots on the rings are what is bothering you, try using a fake "splice". They are not hard to do and look convincing.
  2. Chris, The nature of these products make it unlikely that you'll find them at one place. It's only us weird folk called model builders who need the two items in our workshop together.
  3. Congratulations Bob. It's all been said by others already, so I'll just echo all of their comments. A truly outstanding build - well done Sir!
  4. Great work Mobbsie. Okay, I took the hint.........it's been a busy few weeks back at work.......hopefully the shipyard will re-open this weekend and I can start playing catch-up again!
  5. Very interesting review Mark, thanks for posting.
  6. Chris, Here's a link for Birchwood Casey Brass Black: http://westernfirearms.com.au/cleaning-gun-care-bluing-wood-metal-care-brass-black-p-1599.html You can get some solder in a syringe through Micromark. There are other suppliers, but I seem to have lost the links. Hope this helps.
  7. John, Like Mark, I'm not sure I understand what you are asking about. If it is brass rings, making your own should be pretty straight forward. Otherwise, have you tried looking at Cornwall Model Boats online? They seem to carry a pretty comprehensive range of parts and fittings.
  8. Hi Harvey, Glad to have been of help. You're right about the drawings being the wrong way around in the AOTS book. I'm pretty certain that the Sea Cutters are 25ft though. Not sure of my source - I'm still away from home.
  9. Harvey, My recollection (from reading AOTS notes (I think the drawings were slightly out from the notes) and I think the AOTS notes are supported by Longridge, though I'm away from home at the moment and can't check): Launch - 34ft Barge - 32ft Pinnace - 28ft Jolly Boat - 18ft Cutters (x2) - 25ft (these being the ones carried on the quarter davits and clinker planked). As for scaling, the math is fairly straight forward. If "X" is the actual size in feet, then to convert to mm at 1:98 scale: "X"ft x 12 (inches per foot) x 25.4 (mm per inch) / 98 or, more simply: "X" ft at 1:98 scale = "X" x 3.11 mm So: 34ft = 105.74mm 32ft = 99.52mm 28ft = 87.08mm 25ft = 77.75mm 18ft = 55.98mm Hope that is helpful.
  10. Another masterpiece (and master class) to follow along with Ed - I'm pulling up a chair too!
  11. Just think of them as "practice" Harvey Are you going to clinker plank the cutters?
  12. Congratulations Jerry on completing another fine build. You can be justifiably proud of your efforts.
  13. Congratulations on completing a very fine build Joe! You can be justifiably proud of your accomplishment.
  14. Great work, as always, Mobbsie. Please keep blazing the trail for the rest of us - we'll catch up again eventually!
  15. I have to agree with Kurt about Ken's book. It's a real beauty - both informative/instruructive, and a fabulous "coffee table" book for the pictures alone.
  16. That's got to be the understatement of the year Harvey! That is WAY better than anything you could buy. Excellent work!
  17. Nicely done Jerry. Colour coding seems to make sense too.
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