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Everything posted by gjdale

  1. Wow - great job Ian! Those before and after shots really tell a story.
  2. This is sure to be another outstanding build Karl. I'm looking forward to following your journey once again.
  3. WOW!!! That's looking just fantastic Mobbsie. Your scratch items are a real treat and the sails are well worth the pain they caused in the making. The colour looks great on them too.
  4. I've only just come across this log Dan, and have spent the last couple of days enjoying following your journey. Aside from being a top notch build, your log is also terrific as an instructional piece. Like many others, I have shied away from adding sails to my models to date. Seeing your approach though, may just change my mind for the future. Thanks for sharing so much of your knowledge and experience.
  5. Nice paint job Ken. The use of clear to seal the edge of the tape to prevent bleeding is a great tip too.
  6. Nice to see you've arrived Mark - I was wondering who was going to cover the bar duties. Pass me a cold one please, to go with Sjors's popcorn.
  7. A great display of both your engineering (drawing/design) and your machining skills Ian. That's a terrific result!
  8. Sometimes it's nice to have a "side project" to keep the interest up when you reach a fairly monotonous stage in the main build. I'm sure you'll enjoy the Stage Coach Sjors - I think that is the same one that Adrieke built.
  9. 'Bout time you showed up with the popcorn Sjors!!! Sorry to hear that the medical situation is slowing you down Jesse. But as Augie said, we'll all be here ready and waiting for you when you're ready to go again. And now we have Sjors's popcorn to keep us going while we wait.
  10. Ah! Just in time for a front row seat! Pass the popcorn please Augie.
  11. Only just found your log MaryO, and you have completed the build. It looks like you did a great job on it and received plenty of helpful advice along the way. The end result looks fabulous and you can be very proud of your achievement. Well done! Best wishes for your next build. With your approach to learning and developing new skills as you go, I'm sure it will be equally enjoyable for you, and will achieve an equally good end result.
  12. Looks like this will be an interesting build Jerry, and as you say, something a little different from the usual. I'll pull up chair and follow along too.
  13. Your crew members are fantastic Daniel - very life-like. It's hard to remember, looking at the photos, just how tiny these actually are! Well done, Sir!
  14. Cathead, That's great news about your new reference source, despite the re-work required. Regarding your question about viewing internals - have you considered cutting out some "viewing ports" in the same manner that EdT has done with his Young America build?
  15. Nice catch Danny, and beautifully executed. Glad to hear you enjoyed your "bonus" couple of days on the model.
  16. Congrats on reaching another milestone Sjors. She's looking fabulous.
  17. Only you will know what's good enough Mark. The rest of us will just sit back and admire whatever that is!
  18. Nice work Steve. I think I'm almost as excited as you are about your pending toy delivery!
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