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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Thank you GL Installing the cannon barrels. As already explained. Various sizes and callibers. The barrles are glued on the carriages with ca glue. Holes have been drilled above the ports. Next step, deck planking (nothing glued yet). Thanks for following and likes
  2. Hello everyone Michael, he has not caught a rat yet. But mice are no longer safe in our garden..😸 Continue with the model. The channels have finally been installed. There were quite a few difficult pieces to make. I think I'm going to place the cannons now. Thanks for following and likes.
  3. Some info, The StuG IIIf was the first model to receive the long 7.5cm L/43 cannon. Later models had the L/48. In combination with the low silouette of the vehicle, this was very effective against enemy tanks. Somewhere I once read that by the summer of 1943 alone the StuG's were responsible for about 30,000 destroyed Russian tanks. Best needed if you know that in 1942 the average tank production of the German Panzer IV 100 was pieces per month. The Russians then already built 1000 T34 per month.. Interior photos of a StuG IIIg the next model, comparable to the f model. Ps, Great model !!
  4. ZAP CA thin (pink bottle). Am very satisfied with it. My bottle is now two years old and is always sealed airtight after use. The glue is still of good quality
  5. At first sight, i thought you had taken a picture of a real ship with your drone.
  6. Unfortunately i find only information in the Dutch language. Google search = Boeier https://www.ssrp.nl/stamboek/scheepstypes/boeiers/boeier https://www.ssrp.nl/stamboek/scheepstypes/friese-jachten/fries-jacht Some in English http://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803095515156 If you want a new one (the dimensions are 7.50 x 3.58 m) http://blomaak.nl/boeier/ Ps, great work cortes
  7. Beautifully made Kortes I can help you with the names in Dutch It is : Friesch boeierjacht Sperwer "Friesch" comes from "Friesland", a province in the northern part of the Netherlands "Boeier" is the type of ship that you make. "Sperwer" is the name of the ship (a bird, sparrow)
  8. Indeed. The detailing of this model is very good very pleasant build to follow.
  9. Hello, After some searching and testing i restarted building again. During this period, the channels can be at different heights on the hull. Probably they were placed where they fit best and there were no specific rules in the 16th century. The channels of the front mast are under construction. In the meantime I received "assistance". Felix the cat, he is now part of the family for two months and is eight months old. He prefers to help build tanks in our heated kitchen. For the moment, he does not like the "cold" shipyard in the attic Tired of helping in the tank factory. Turn off the light please, i need sleep... Thanks for following
  10. Nice work Steven, An idea from me Use wooden clothespins for plastic models and plastic clothespins for wooden models. if you use clothespins of the same material as your model, then they can sometimes gleu together. learns my experience
  11. Beautiful work Somewhere I have read that in warm waters mostly iron nails were used. Because the wooden treenails were eaten too quickly by woodworm. found it. Source : Joao Baptista Lavanha, who died in 1620
  12. Beautifully done Steven Where I work, Iso propyl alcohol "IPA" is stored in a tank of about 90000 liters....
  13. When I look at the finish of the model under the waterline (nicely made planks with nails or treenails). Then it is paint, but that is my opinion. The only person who could give a correct answer to the question is the builder of the model. (the real ship could of course have had copper plating)
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