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Everything posted by aliluke

  1. This is looking really good Chuck and your explanations are great. I love the lines of this ship. I see you did a wee check in the the forward most plank at the forward most gun port. I can't imagine, given your work, that this was a mistake...Actually I just looked back at the profile drawing and there it is - checked! And the moulding strip stops and starts again at that port. That is precision!
  2. Looking fine. Can you post some box art or other images so we can see where you are heading?
  3. Looking good Mike - very crisp and clean. That maple is a nice colour but has a much more pronounced grain than the holly I used.
  4. Hi Jesse Nice work on tightening the lines. The problem you had is one reason I like Morope.. Being very springy it will look tight at a wide variety of tensions. The lines on my AVS are still as taut today as when I laid them. The downside is making a line look slack! Near impossible with Morope...
  5. Hi Jonny I look forward to this as I don't think I've seen a Convulsion build before and I like the bomb vessels. Call in sick - say that you have to take a year off and then enjoy! I'll follow your progress with interest.
  6. Looks like a good planking base for the second layer to me. Are you planning on painting the hull (I could look back in your log for that answer I guess)? I fully painted the hull and still find it to be a very nice way to finish it.
  7. Looking very solid Len - good foundations. The balsa fillers are a great idea.
  8. Looks really great Bob. A very nice bulkhead even if does disappear! Sorry, no answer to your question - way past me. But I'm still enjoying watching your work!
  9. Good stuff Brian. It brings back memories. I wouldn't die in a ditch over the issues you describe. They can be fixed later if they still exist at all. My advice is to carry on and see whether it becomes an issue - sounds like bad advice but sometimes you get trapped in a circle of fixing things that aren't a problem after all. Your AVS is looking really good!
  10. Nigel. That is amazing shaping. I'm sitting beside a well boiled clamped piece at the moment but nothing as complex as that! Your craft and patience is a science to behold.
  11. Thanks Keith for your kind words. Funny to see my AVS log bubble up to the 1st page again. I hope you enjoy seeing my chemistry experiment on Fly .
  12. That's just the way it is and just way it's going to be. Welcome to our nightmare! Doing it all over again is part of the game and, strangely, part of the fun. Happy Halloween!
  13. Those decorations look amazing. Wish I'd read this before I did mine.
  14. Hi Brian Getting those deck tree nails to disappear is the trick. Mine on the AVS were wood paste but, in hindsight were too prominent. My tree nails on Fly, so far, are better - you can't see them except at certain angles - and it is just simple old wood paste. On AVS I muddled around with bamboo and such but it was so hard and wood paste gave a much quicker and better outcome. For caulking I'm a fan of an HB pencil run along one edge of the plank.Very subtle but it works and I think is correct for scale. I used a charcoal pencil on the AVS but it made a big mess - still it worked out in the end. I never use any fillers on my decks - get it right and these are not required - no gaps! I know that you won't need any fillers. That aside, your AVS is looking really good. Very sharp and clean. The waterways look spot on! You've nailed it!
  15. Hi Mike No I didn't shave anything. I also found that the hatch sizes in the kit were fine in respect to the FFM sizes (I don't know about the sizes in the NMM plans) . With the coamings set inside the deck - that is set on top of the plywood false deck with the real deck planks butted into the hatches - you just can't see the plywood of the false deck at all. The port/starboard pieces are a nice touch but weren't done to conceal the plywood - just to add a realistic detail. Hope that helps? It'd be nice to see your pictures at a higher resolution. I reckon you can go up to 1900 pixels wide and still sit well below the site limit. Edit: B.E slipped in before I sent my post. Forget the hatch linings and check out those perfect railings! Still I don't think you need the linings fore/aft, with the hatches inserted the false deck ply disappears. However a port/starboard rail inside of the ledges suited me for a level of detail add.
  16. Hi Mike I don't think this is a big issue at all. See post 520 in my log - you really can't see those edges and if that is a concern when all the other stuff is fitted then you are over concerned! I'll probably give a little wipe of black paint to the edges before fitting down those stair hatches and that will suffice. I do a little bit of framing port/starboard of the coaming for the ladders but nothing fore/aft.
  17. Impeccable work Gil. So much information here for the builder of any ship. Thank you!
  18. Hi Kevin Just had a look through your log. I'm not a great follower of Victory builds so haven't really visited before but, wow, you are doing fantastic work on her. Superb!!!
  19. Hey Brian You are going to find these strips to be really good. I'm amazed by boxwood - strong, tight and finely grained. Holly is the same. You will enjoy! These timbers both make walnut look like crap.
  20. Looks great Augie - precision work. My little eagle eye picks up one point. On your hatch coamings the box joints look good but the fore and aft ledges should sit on top of the port and starboard ledges. Your coamings flip flop with some fore and aft ledges on top and some port and starboard ledges on top. Picky for sure and I wouldn't change it but a note for the future and for others following. Then again I could be completely wrong! and you are following accurate plans for these parts.
  21. I'm a late comer too. But, wow, what a fantastic model. So elegant and so very well made. I'll be following.
  22. Hi Chuck - it is looking really good. I like the idea of the rabbet just to give some articulation to the port opening if nothing else. I did the same on Fly with sill and jamb liners (but no head liner), all set back to create the rabbet for the lid where no lid will be shown on the open deck. Right or wrong it is a nice detail touch. Then I saw a contemporary model of Atalanta which has lids on the open deck. A "buckler" is a new term for me and Google failed to clarify. Is it a temporary cover over the port but not hinged like a lid? I guess I'm a few dozen books and many more papers off your, druxeys and Mark's research background!
  23. Magnificent Nigel. Except for the scale of the backgrounds I'd swear I was in a shipyard.
  24. Great work on your AVS Dave. It looks fantastic. Ha! I also named mine after my wife - Sharon J. It certainly made my time in the workshop more acceptable to her.
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