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Posts posted by garyshipwright

  1. Mark I believed they were called the bolster piece's, at least that is what is listed in Falconer Dictionary.  Steel calls them anchor lining, solid pieces of oak, bolted to the ships side. . Pieces of oak timber fayed to the curvature of the bow under the holes down upon the upper cheek, or solidly between the cheeks to prevent the cable from rubbing against the cheeks.  Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Gary

  2. Hi Toni. When you look at the other plan of Pegasus mast partners, the aft end goes all the way across the beam and the forward end goes what looks to me 95 percent across the forward beam. At least that's what I see. Maybe David or Greg will charm in and set me straight . I do have the deck plan of the Fly and was going to add a photo of that deck but the battery is dead so might be able to post one later. From what I can tell is they are all just a little different, which led's me to believe that how it was done probably had some to do with what ship yard it was built in. Gary

  3. 3 hours ago, chris watton said:



    4 hours ago, chris watton said:

    I did actually do a design for a 72nd scale Surprise way back in 2006, but, as with so many other developments, never materialised, instead having to move on to magazine part work fare. (Sigh...). If I do go ahead, the new one would be 64th (of course) and a lot more refined than my original designs. (Didn't have any stern cabin detail)


    Not interested in Beagle (as there are more than enough kits of that already), but may do a Cherokee Class (Coffin Brig) at some point, and will definitely do a classic Royal Navy 18 gun brig


    Cannot remember the name of the books, they were in audio form, which I listened to when I had my day job.

    I have Royal George earmarked, so no 90 gun ship, and if I were to do a 60 or 70, that would be Centurion or an Elizabeth Class from the first half of the 18th Century, and as for a 50, I already have Bristol lined up to fill that gap.

    Hi Chris. I know you posted that you will be doing her in 1/64  but what about 1/48? Would make a heck of a nice model that's for sure. Gary

  4. 4 hours ago, No Idea said:

    That is awesome work marsalv - I don't actually know what the small blocks on the bowsprit are for but you have put them on so evenly and neatly.  They must have taken ages to align like that.

    Hi No Idea. I believe that the small blocks are to help keep the gammoning cable from sliding down on the bowsprit. Believe that the small blocks are called the gammoning cleat's. Gary

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