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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Trond, I'm pretty sure you can get fiberglass screen in different weave sizes.
  2. Lynn, good fix. Something breaking is inevitable, it's the nature of the beast. You took this one in stride. you're making great progress.
  3. Mark, that made me smile, I'm glad you found your mojo. Looks good.
  4. Trond, it looks great but have you thought about trying to use fiberglass window screen? https://www.amazon.com/DocaScreen-Standard-Window-Screen-Roll/dp/B079YY5SJZ/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?keywords=Window+Screen+Replacement&qid=1645995374&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyQjVUMjgyOTJQTDVLJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNjc4MjcwMVkzSjk3NEVNNzdDJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA1NTE3NzAzSDBLTDcxVjhIMVZPJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==
  5. Tom, suffice to say, me and the gluing method didn't work out. Surprise surprise, the weaving (thank you Tom for providing the word I was looking for in my earlier post) method shows great promise. I used a number 12 beading needle to pierce the simulated shroud line. The thread I'm using for the ratlines is 0.009 inches and the shroud line thread is 0 .015 inches. Both are Gutermann 100% polyester. I'm going to order some number 15 beading needles, 0.010 inch diameter, as the 12 is a bit large at 0.0165 inch diameter. Other than a slight tug I didn't have any problem pulling the needle and ratline thread through the test shroud line thread. I used 0.015 inch spacing for the weaving method and now that I've had a chance to mess about a bit I think 0.15 inch is too large a space. While waiting for the size 15 needles to arrive I'm going to remove and add new shroud lines to the test board and continue practicing the weaving method using 0.10 inch spacing. Thank you to everyone for the likes and support.
  6. Absolutely, Gary, that's the driving force. I messed around a bit last night on the test board and I tried the gluing method. One, it's not positive enough in that a should and ratline don't necessarily what to be joined via the glue and if it does join and it's off, it's a mess. Gluing has been eliminated as an option. My dear wife just got back from a trip to Joann Fabric where she picked me up some beading needles sizes 10 and 12. I'm going to try to pass a beading needle through the shroud line with the ratline in tow. If this doesn't work, I have my doubts that it will due to the size of the shroud line, then it's clove hitches and devil take the hindquarter. Thank you to everyone for your support, it warms the cockles of an old man's heart.
  7. John, welcome to MSW. I hope your first foray into a wooden model will be successful.
  8. Brian, thank you for the thought but it's too big. No way could I get it into position. I've got my test board set up and have done a few lines. Not happy with things thus far. I've got several ideas to try before I have to decide on a set course of action. Thank you again.
  9. We certainly are an easily amused beast. If only they had know how expensive 'easily amused' would become, toddlers would be in short supply.
  10. Roger, I couldn't agree with you more. Thank you for saying something. Valeriy, I hope and pray for you, your family, and all Ukrainians during this time of madness. My heart goes out to you and everyone in that part of the world.
  11. I'm usually late getting to a build. Fortunately, Gary, I managed to stumble onto your new project before the actual work starts. I look forward to seeing the Rangeley take shape and watch as you apply your personal touch.
  12. Tom, I knew better than to think you'd quit but it is good to see an update. Buddy, slow seems to run in the family.
  13. Thank you to all for the helpful comments and support and thank you to all for the likes. I made some spacing cards to see which one looked the most correct while at the same time being achievable. This is .20 inch spacing for a total of 14 lines. In comparison to the surrounding elements this spacing is too large, to scale the spacing is 24 inches. This is .15 inch spacing for a totall of 18 lines. This looks like the spacing I normally see on models even though at scale the spacing is 18 inches. This is .10 spacing for a total of 27 lines. To scale this is 12 inches and is the most correct of the three. This is what one would one expect to see in real life. While the third photo is the most correct I think it's also might possibly the hardest to produce a decent looking representation. Not because of the additional 9 lines over the number two photo but because of the room for spacing error. With that tight of spacing any spacing deviation is going to stick out like a sore thumb. I've never tied ratlines. If I had done several models I wouldn't be as worried as I am. My shroud lines are sacred cows. I can not screw these up! If I had to redo on line I think I'd have to redone all of them, both sides. I like the idea of gluing the ratlines but what if I mess up in placing a line? Then what, how would I correct it? With knots, if it isn't right you undo and carry on. Having said the previous, I need some ratline practice before going 'all in' on my first attempt. I'm going to make a practice board of shroud lines and tie and glue ratlines till I feel comfortable. Only then will I move on to adding ratlines to the mizzen mast. Hopefully I'll be back sooner than later. Again, thank you to everyone for following along and being part of my journey.
  14. Simon, that looks great. I wish I was at that point in my rigging.
  15. Eberhard, an ingenious technique that turned out beautiful. Very well done.
  16. Brian, I find it amusing that I can look at a photo hundreds of (if not more) times and then look at it again and see something I'd not noticed previously. Evidently I focus on the one thing I'm looking for in particular and miss seeing other details. It's easy for my imagination to run away with itself when studying a photo for a long period of time. Those times when I think I've found something but it's murky and a bit sketchy I take a break, look at the model, make a drawing of what I think I saw, and let it rest for a day. I then go back to the photo and what I think I saw before is either there in a sharpened sense of actuality or like gossamer in a gale, it has blow and faded away.
  17. DHS, welcome to MSW. Your first two models look great, you should do well with the Glad Tidings.
  18. Baron, welcome to MSW. I look forward to seeing your work on the Swift.
  19. Mike, she came out nice for an abandoned child. Really well done.
  20. Thank you, Lynn. I've been meaning to say how indispensable this tool has become. I don't know how one would do off ship rigging without one or something similar. It comes in so handy for other uses as well.
  21. Lynn, make your own sanding stick or buy some if you don't want to take the time to make some. To make them just super glue sandpaper to the end of a flat piece of wood and voila. https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/4AA5018D-AE8E-457B-A3D5-3A85FE05976F/?_encoding=UTF8&store_ref=SB_A01859563PL9E9QMPZ1S8&pd_rd_plhdr=t&aaxitk=93a7393d31f130d7eb02a6bbdb6ae696&hsa_cr_id=1109728570401&lp_asins=B08YFKSRJT%2CB08Y78TB3X%2CB08YFMG6Z9&lp_query=Sanding Stick&lp_slot=auto-sparkle-hsa-tetris&ref_=sbx_be_s_sparkle_lsi4d_ls&pd_rd_w=8UM8T&pf_rd_p=488a18be-6d86-4de0-8607-bd4ea4b560f3&pd_rd_wg=apBcr&pf_rd_r=J734HS92Y9J42N49QB2Z&pd_rd_r=ea6d1bd1-bdda-4cae-adb3-2d95006e72fc
  22. Mark, I know it's hard to spend the $100.00 but you know you're not going to be happy unless you do. This is one of the cases where money CAN buy happiness.
  23. Mark, it's nice to see you're enjoying your build. I think she looks great.
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