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Posts posted by KORTES

  1. Greetings  Keith.
    Taking into the consideration the gained experience, the technology is the following. Mark the width of the cloth. And draw out several threads. In my case I had to pull out five threads. It depends on the width of the tread you want to put in in place of the taken out ones, and , of course of the size of the sail. We need to pull 5 threads out, leave in place 2, one of them will be used to put in place the "chief" thread, and the second will be left as a backup - in case the first one will break. If you manage to pull the thread in without tearing it, this second one will have to be pullled out.



  2. Greetings my dear colleagues,
    Let me please present some of the results of my experiments on making the sails. I have tried two technologies, one  by Shevelev, which I already used while working on the "La Jacinthe",  and the other one by Bikov. After the studying the results, I opted for using the last one. I have been practicing on making the mainsail.
  3. While the hull is drying, I decided to coat the deck with tung-oil. What can I say  - the tung-oil is thicker than the oilseed oil. I richly coated the deck, the absorptivity is nice. My expectations that the deck would have lighter color weren’t fulfilled, but the aging effect was quite nice. I coated it in one layer, i think i’ll leave it at that, but it would be seen after polishing.




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