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John Allen

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Everything posted by John Allen

  1. Kudos well thought, and planned to the extreme. I believe after you posted your cart there will be many modelers making copies after viewing the problems on other carts. It appears you made launching and retrieval a much simpler task.
  2. Jerry, Would a wheel off of a moving dolly that turns 360 degrees help stabilize the back of the trailer and distribute the weight more evenly?
  3. Tadeusz, Great topic, historical tidbits like these make a ships model not just a model bought put a little bit of life into the build knowing the historical aspect of start to finish. Thank you for starting this subject extremely enlightening.
  4. Caught up on your log,extremely neat & clean work, so good in fact you will not have to paint to cover up any imperfections. I on the other hand am very happy they make paint!
  5. Beautiful build the white in the railings and red in the stacks and paddle wheels really make it pop. I think the Occre and AL are the same both are nice kits the Occre has the furniture wall papers removable walls etc. It is a matter of personal choice the Occre kit logs are great but your AL is cherry it is smooth and has a clean uninterrupted flow to it. Great job
  6. Lawrence, Thanks for the kind comments, looking back it may have been a little more than my skill set was capable of handling when I started. There are many things I would have changed or done differently but got to far ahead and when I realized I could or should have done something. It will be finished with some scars & blemishes but I am really glad I made mistakes on a complicated build (doesn't make sense does it) because I know now I will be better able to handle any build from here on out. The next Victory I build will be perfect no scars no blemishes no errors.
  7. Your somewhat of a visionary, a model is a model is a model etc. until you turn it into small masterpiece with those great details you have added! footnote: see with astro turf Mr. dog could plant all the rocks he wanted with no worry.
  8. Absolutely first class, paint job about the best I have ever seen, I have several air brush guns from 20 yrs. ago gathering dust believe I need to pull them out, I am going to remember the gold leaf it makes it really pop. Kudos on my scale of 1 to 10 about a 15.
  9. Thanks Marc and Keith shrouds were served it got to where I could lay the ratlines without any jig or lined back paper whipped through them by line of sight. I did do the bottom and top line first, then one at 1/4 then 3/4 then filled them in spacing always worked out
  10. Update pics. Have finally got what is my favorite and easiest part the rigging and setting the yards. Had numerous ups and downs wish I had been more diligent int the beginning with the badly warped decks and stern gallery pieces should have cut new ones instead of trying to flatten and use the warped ones, had to order numerous items that were missing strops dead eyes line lumber on and on . Any way got past all that did the shrouds and ratlines twice got past that, three broken mast tops (mamas adorable babies cats) 1 broken mast top with rigging installed got past that (an I dealing with the Titanic. Oh a note for manufacturers in your directions gun port lids should not be installed in the beginning of a build but at the end so a dummy like me will not knock them off like I did (16 off and re a fix) By the way the pic of mans best friend Mack the Dane 10 yrs. Charlie the Dachshund 15 blind cataracts Mack takes care of Charlie he doesn't bump into too many walls both have the arthritis. Thought they would take care of my 3 cat problems, sadly they all sleep together will have to take care of Mamas precious little babies myself
  11. fantastic mini work you must have the patience of Job!
  12. Don, Looks great looking good forward to more. By the way astro turf comes in green, no water, no weeding, no mowing and the cherry on the cake it stays green all year.
  13. Have looked for quite awhile to find a decent model of the USCG Eagle. I know the history of the Eagle and her sister ship Gorch Fock. I have downloaded numerous pictures and cannot really tell any differences. 1. Has anybody on this site made an Eagle out of the Gorch? 2. Would it be as simple as applying the Coast Guard insignia on the bow? Surely someone has done this.
  14. Anatoly, After seeing the absolutely first class way you constructed the table and chairs (amazing) I had to chuckle when you posted you would welcome any criticism. If any member here attempted to criticize or attempt to offer advice I believe the membership would ban them for life, keel haul them, or make them walk the plank. My scale on 1 to 10 I give you a 15, cannot wait to see the rest of your build. Kudos 10 times over
  15. Here I go again I believe in the British Army these towers were manned by British Naval personnel usually by young Ensigns temporarily assigned to the army since they were already familiar with code and sending signals shipboard. I think???
  16. Isabella, You go girl!! Your grand father could have done no better just perfect. Great model Great smile.
  17. I might be wrong but I think they used 3 pig bladders on 3 different lines on the towers, and fortresses. Bladders were painted black?
  18. Big enough to hose down with a garden hose or pressure washer. All kidding aside, there is a product called grease lightning it absolutely works wonders. It could be purchased most anywhere but now mostly at a Dollar Store.
  19. Excellent work on repo I expect a mock up of JAWS biting off the transom.
  20. Wayyyyy back in the 50s when I was a boy scout my father then a Chief Quartermaster was an instructor at the Coast Guard Academy. He had gotten special permission for us to attend an outside class he was giving to cadets in signaling with semaphore flags. I have an old picture (sadly faded and cracked) of him standing on a raised platform with 2 flags held at the 3:30 position. The cherry on the cake was a tour of the Eagle later that day. Thanks for jogging up an old memory.
  21. George, Probably the best tutorials I have seen to date including other sites and u-tube. Simple, plain, excellent photos, so even an idiot like myself would understand. Wish I had this when I started my HMS Victory build in 2013. Placing this one in favorites. Very nice.
  22. Keith, Cannot believe I missed the start of this build, started at page #1. No words can describe the beauty and effort that has gone into this build. Planking flawless. On a scale of 1 to 10 a 15 very very nice. My hats off to the master :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy: :im Not Worthy:
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