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Everything posted by cog

  1. Ed, I keep on forgetting about the LOS, maybe because I can't find it in local stores. Had to get silver soldering paste from Germany (got an address through Archjofo/Johann) Considering the foto/dust booth, I would, as the two former writers, advise on cloth (cotton, or linnen). If possible make it so you can change colours, as it largely depends on the ship's colours whether you should use white, ivory, grey, or another colour. If you can make the left and right side go roundish through the corner, it will be easier with lighting, and cloth is easier to handle for that. You might have this thought out already, just my two pennies Cheers
  2. You made it to the finish. Rather nice work. A pity we have to do without all the hardships, and questions, and redo's. Still a great feat mate Any ideas about the next build? Cheers
  3. Thank you Greg. What's in a mere 14,800 km (9,200 miles). I recall it is faster to cross a larger distance than a short one I'lll have a look at North Sta too. Hope you'll get your copy soon. It really is worth the wait
  4. Nope, but I'm looking into that ... I'm already cross eyed so I can maybe uncross it with more PE ... that might be a good idea!!! Thanks Denis Don't start about the tiny stuff ... it seems endless ... the funny thing is, the smaller the item, the more I need to stick on the model ... thanks for the good word mate!
  5. Something new ... (Greg, I got it today) AOTS Battleships Yamato & Musashi - a revised edition. It is a rather hughe difference: 192 pages in the old vs 336 pages in the new edition. A lot of comparisons, both textual as drawings, between upgrades during the years of armament e.a., differences between Yamato and Musashi. In short: A lot of reading and eye candy (the rigging is more clear too, you might like that, Greg) It'll take me a week or two to get through this one ... Catch y'all later ... don't mind the silence, I'm immersed ... Cheers
  6. Thanks Mark. The copy right is not a real problem, but for a forum which is rather strict about copy right on images, I think it strange they remove it.
  7. Jesse, Must be a weird look, a clean, and reorganised workbench, at least from what I've seen in the pictures of it's "natural" state Better a slow recovery, than none at all, my friend. You'll be back making a mess of your workbench, and drowning us underneath a pile of update posts. I'm still waiting patiently ... which means quite a lot for me! Take care Cheers
  8. Very impressive, Nils. She's starting to look "all dressed up". I would have expected those "funnel stays" to have something to tighten up the tension, or slacken it for that matter. Cheers
  9. I would say it is ideal, as one would go to one's hobby instead of to work. In this case it's just a pitty we cannot enjoy his prowes full time/often. I would like to wish Gregg good luck in his endeavours, and hope he will find some space in time to treat us with his magnificent modelling feats. Cheers
  10. Is it Marcus. I thought you were selling clamps I wish you smooth sailing this third time. Your start looks promising.
  11. Some minor progress. Going slowly, not even steadily! P.s. When I upload my images it's owner and copyright properties get lost ... any reason why that happens???
  12. Can't imagine using treenails - not strong enough it seems to me - and I wonder if they had bolts at that time, I would sooner expect iron hoops ...
  13. You've been stepping it up, very nice result on the weathering. I am still sticking to brass (currently "pulling" cables at the outside of the hull). I am curious how she will look after you give her that clear coat
  14. You should be more carefull with those ribs, just as with the delete button Take care of those ribs a yours, don't put 'em on the barby
  15. That's alright, I had to laugh when I read it to be honest!! It was a very apt remark! If you would like sharing your trail, I'm certainly interested Cheers
  16. Nice progress, Jack. I know what you mean with the old 35mm, but we can do different things now, although not so much with the camera
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