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Everything posted by edmay

  1. Hello Nenad,Life is sometimes exasperatingly confused and complex,Without making light of the situation in your Country.You seem to weave through the good,the bad and the ugly with an appealing sense of humour and there are no holes in your garden. A documentary of life ,which many of us find interesting,your thoughtful approach to problems is to be admired,my knowledge of Serbia was little but is growing,many thanks. The many hills you have climbed with your Cutty, is bearing the fruits of your labour ,the coppering looks real good ,you must feel proud. hope the strike ends soon.Edwin
  2. Hello Augie, Real nice floor,brilliant in fact, ps saved you a piece of cake yesterday,no show so I ate it .Edwin
  3. Hello Stp, ,Our language is to" Enjoy model ship building" Your Victory is looking real nice ,mistakes are part of learning , well done .Edwin
  4. Hello Danny,hope you are well,nice work as usual,first class. moving UGH,keep this or dump,maybe need it ?? ,to expensive to replace ?? OH lets take it ?? been there ,done that ,said many times "this is the last move"ha.Good luck my friend,Edwin
  5. Hi Denis and Vince,Starting out right with two of the same kits will create the confidence,to quickly share ideas,problems,and be more pleasurable just as the Niagara modelers, must have felt,like being in one room,fairly instant answers depending a little on time zones,You are both teachers and learners,hope you have lots of chairs,beer etc,Your logs will be interesting to a large crowd,booking seats for two(Urmilla)Edwin
  6. Hello Augie, An Italian Bricky,is there no end to your talents,nice work. How are you at building BBQ's,Edwin
  7. hello Denis,got the flu,but will pull up the armchair,ready to learn more from you.Ed
  8. Hello Sherry,Just brilliant work,you can be very proud.Edwin
  9. Hi Denis,Your dockyard is producing some fine works of art,a modern armada,a fleet of sorts,your imaginative use of different materials is inspiring giving food for thought,keep up the good work.Edwin
  10. Hello Denis, Just awesome ,11 out of 10 for artistic effort,you did a fantastic job of her.pm you soon.Edwin .
  11. Hello Andy, nice repair job,don't know if my heart could have survived that mishap ,well done,Edwin
  12. Hello Steve your model is exstremely well done,neat ,coloring is awesome,I'm about ready to plank mine. Thanks for the excellent pictures,they will be a great help.Edwin
  13. Hello Denis,Very impressive,neatly done nice colors,Edwin
  14. Hello Donny,thanks for reply,the Admiral had an inkling that was what they were,recycling the way to go,as for the needles,I saw a thread on MSW whereas somebody made rigging tools from used ones,ie cut off the eye half way making different types of,hooks some were bent others flattened and attached to slim wooden handles etc,maybe your doing that already.But to say again you do nice work,keep posting.Edwin
  15. Hello Max,Looks like your moving right along,neat workmanship.My only concern is the precarious position your model is clamped on the edge.of your bench. Edwin
  16. Hello Dan,The Admiral and I are sincerely happy with your upgraded health news,You were smart to tackle the repairing of those models,I would say mind over matter did its part as well as med's and lots of well wishes.bravo Edwin.
  17. Hello all, In my experience one cap will not suit all,misunderstanding's spoil many relationships,Reflect and rectifying is a two way street,but sometimes the shoe will never fit. I also have ordered many PVC tubes of milled woods using paypal from Wayne Cantin, with fast and courteous service .Edwin
  18. Hello Dave,Wow,outstanding,brilliant workmanship are just a few of the words,that apply to your build. My admiral was in awe with the result of the bell making,any ideas as to your next build.Do you have any boat show photo's to share.Edwin.
  19. Ilhan, Outstanding workmanship,a masterpiece,sails and rigging so neatly accomplished .Your photo's will be a first class reference to other modelers doing this build,thanks,Edwin
  20. Hello Jesse,you can be very proud of what you have achieved,you are a fine modeler,with your ailments I should say super modeler,thinking good thoughts for your op,.Edwin.
  21. Hello Denis,Nice just nice,you are a Master,how do you like your new toys,Edwin
  22. Hello Jan,nice gun carriages rigging setup,a good tip,thanks.your photo's show a really well done ,neat build I mean really very well done,Good luck with the moving,the two things in life that are a pain are moving and toothache,ie toss that "no keep it,might come in handy"etc etc.,the thought of a new bigger modeling room,should keep you cool.have a good week,will follow when you get moved,Edwin
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