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Posts posted by Papa

  1. I purchased my Essex in 1968 give or take.  The “instruction booklet” was about 4 pages.  Like 1 8.5 by 11 sheet cut into fourths. It said something like “here is a bunch of wood.  Shape the hull, use dowels for masts, and thread for rigging. Good luck”. I marched along very slowly as best I could.  In the 80s MS produced a very nice instruction book which helped greatly. In fact I ended up undoing some things and making it better.  I also coppered the hull (I had painted it greenish and was not happy with that.)  Moving along, I was still rigging it in the 2000s. I finally finished so 40 years after I started. 

  2. In between selling our current house and buying a new smaller place, not much is happening in the shipyard. And I expect that progress will be very slow over the next few months.  I’m afraid I may have to sell off some of my stash because of lack of room in our new home.  😬.  Anyway, I did manage to get the mizzenmast in place.


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