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Posts posted by AnobiumPunctatum

  1. I've done the step in the other direction. I own since a fey days a cnc-mill and now I am saving my money for Rhino.

    Is it possible that the three views are not really perpendicular to each other?

    I know the same form my 2D works. The point on the drawings are the same but not the 2D representation of the lines. There are always small differences. It's a problem with using splines.

  2. Kris I can only help by converting in 2D because my 3D skills are minimal.

    If You work in 2D you can draw this in a similiar manner I use for cant frames.


    With help of the side view you get the correct legth of every frame. Drawing vertical lines on top view gives you the correct section and stepping line.

    Mark your buttock lines in the side view.  Than draw all lines from all necessary points to an body-master.

    Orientate a copy of your "body master" that it is perpendicular to the frame in the side view. Now you can draw the lines from the side view to the body-master. Copy all lines in another body-master and rotate them, that everything is perpendicular. Connect all section points and you get the outline shape of the frame (if it inclusive plank thinkness of exclusive depends of your view are showing the outside of the hull or drawn on the frames (as by plans of the NMM).


    I hope you understand whant I mean. It is more tricky to describe than to draw.

  3. Quote



    unfortunately, I didn't make a note at the time where I got it from and now I can't find the original again.


    I think I can give you some information about this drawing,. This is a reconstruction drawing of Skuldelev I from 1971.

    It was as far as I know the base for the presentation of the ship in the musuem. I own a copy of this but there are in the meantime some newer reconstructions which are giving a slightly different hull. But you can build a very nice model with this information.

    I am searching a reconstruction of the Haithabu knarr and longship. I hoppe to find someday one good drawing. of the find

  4. Chuck ,


    You could not interpret this really precies from the seals. It could also mean that the shipside is lower. Have a look at the people how big they are.

    You can develop a possible hull design, which will be mostly the same for every seal. Than you can add the specific detail. Where do you find the right dimensions of such a ship? You choose the big knarrs of the vikings. There are a lot of new findings you can use for the length as basic for such a ship.

    If they will find a shipwreck of a nef such as the cog of Bremen, we have to learn everything new.

  5. Quote

    He also includes several town seals, although not in color like Steven's.   Winchelsea, Dunwich and Yarmouth all show through-beams.  On Yarmouth they appear high up but the other 2 appear lower than depicted on the Fircks model.  I think if I use the Fircks plans I need to change the beams and/or deck so that the beams are low enough to step over.

    I don't understand, what you mean with "stap over". The beams are the deckbeams and the deck planks are sitting on.

  6. Hi Steven,


    the model, you show the picture, is not build following the drawings from Zimmermann. The sources for this model are from Jochen v. Fricks "Normannenschiffe", Delius Klasing Verlag. The original book was first published in the GDR but I don't have information when.

    Here is a link to the website, where the model was published and where I found the Information about the source.


    If I remember right, Zimmermann shows an other castle. In the weekend I will have a look if I can scan you two fotos from the model Zimmermann has built.


    I am really interested to yee your progress.





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