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Everything posted by BANYAN

  1. You can also get paste solder specific to copper I think - may also help. Try a jewellers supply store; AJS in Australia used to stock it. cheers Pat
  2. Very nice model well executed Tozbekler cheers Pat
  3. The trials and tribulations of planking Steven; I am glad to see you persevering with this nice build. cheers Pat
  4. Nice build Gerhard, I have been following a long for a while but not commenting - just enjoying cheers Pat
  5. Nice!!!! Up to your usual very high standards Rusty. cheers Pat
  6. Nice work Chuck, those anchors sure looklike iron, and the puddening looks very neat! cheers Pat
  7. Welcome back Rexy and congrats n getting the job. Don't worry, it only took me 14 years to do my Endeavour while working - slowly but surely will get you there. The hull planking looks good. cheers Pat
  8. Sorry to hear of your continued ails OC; I hope some improvement can be found for you soon. This must be very frustrating for you not being able to get to the modelling desk yet alone use the PC. regards Pat
  9. Hi Phillip and Gerhard, I would leave them Phil - I am pretty sure she was fitted with a feathering propeller and the pitch would have been close to zero when not needed (such as in port or when under sail alone) - depends on how you would like to depict her. I had the same problem to contemplate when fitting the prop to 'Victoria" and ended up going for zero pitch as she will no be modelled with sails or underway. This is just a suggestion - your model, so please depict her how you wish. Nice work with the progress you have made, she is really starting to take shape. cheers Pat
  10. Nice work Rowand - she is coming along very nicely. cheers Pat
  11. Haven't had the chance to look in much Denis as I am travelling - like what I see mate, some great progress there. cheers Pat
  12. This is a model and effort you should rightly be proud of Greg; you have created a mini-masterpiece! Considering you learned air-brushing and weathering along the way, you have surpassed many an experienced exponent. A pleasure to have seen this build evolve through your log. cheers Pat
  13. Very nice work on the rigging Dave. You achieved a great result on your mouse despite the weave sighting issue mate. I placed a pieceof white paper behind the jig, as close to the weave as i could. the I use a large needle to do the weave - it helped but still kept losing sight of which strand I was over or under . Away on hols at the moment and can only look in occasionally. cheers Pat
  14. Some great progress Denis; you'll be finished before you know it I am away on hols at the moment o only get to check in occasionally. cheers Pat
  15. Very nicely presented Russ, that board suits the model well. cheers Pat
  16. Nice mice Dave; that jig looks like it works well. Good idea dropping it over the serving machine like that. I learnt about the odd number of strands the hard way too cheers Pat
  17. That looks fabulous Greg; I wonder if they could have got any more guns on her!! cheers Pat
  18. Nice progress Phil; she is looking great. Well, your next build will have to be Mary Rose then you would replicate the Portsmouth museum ships cheers Pat
  19. Perhaps two large shrubs Gaetan? they look well shaped which means less sanding down the line. cheers pat
  20. Hi Ron, that is a great story and I am sure your wife will appreciate the model as much as you. That was a real neat surprise for her. As to the futtock shrouds, I must admit I had some real fun there I made the futtock shrouds up individually off the model with a longer length than needed. By this I mean that I seized the hooks into place on a length of shroud line. I then hooked the futtock shroud onto the upper deadeye strap, wrapped (half hitched) the tail end of the shroud around the futtock spreader bar, pulled it taut (being careful not to pull the lower shrouds out of line in the vertical aspect) and seized the tail up to the closest shroud as close to the spreader as I could. I then dabbed a bit of diluted white glue and trimmed off the rag end after it was dry. BTW, my spreader bar was a length of stiff thin wire with a thread serving along its length - I simulated the leather caps on the end with a dab of leather colour paint. The real jobs had a stiff rope core I think. I found working (fitting the futtock shrouds) from aft to fwd best/easiest for me. I also did this before I did any of the ratlines. As too fat fingers - welcome to the club With the deadeye lanyards I found using much much longer lengths and doing a very loose weave initially, allowed me to get gingers in there without disturbing the other bits and bobs. I was then able to pull the lanyard taut and align the deadeyes using tweezers and a very fine pair of needle point plier. I hope that makes sense for you? cheers Pat
  21. Hi again, The wooden mouse form is about 4mm long and 3mm at max across - it had a slightly conical off axis shape if that makes sense? More like a ball/bead with one side drawn out a bit. I was able to turn these on my mini-lathe, but you could take a bead and add some putty, or even two-part epoxy to one side then shape it when dry, redrilling the hole if necessary on one side. cheers Pat
  22. Thanks Steven, I'll give you a PM when I have returned. cheers Pat
  23. Those pics look familiar mate - nice bending work by the way. You are slowly getting there cheers Pat
  24. Thanks for looking in and comments Eddie and ST7S Sorry don't know what name to use? The wooden mouse form was about 4mm long and to 3mm at max across - it had a slightly conical off axis shape if that makes sense? More like a ball/bead with one side drawn out a bit. I was able to turn these on my mini-lathe, but you could take a bead and add some putty, or even two-part epoxy to one side then shape it when dry, redrilling the hole if necessary on one side. cheers Pat
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