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Everything posted by BANYAN

  1. A lot of detail under the deck (for the catapult) mate; how much will be visible? Good lock with laying the deck in sections; hope all goes without drama. cheers Pat
  2. Hi Carl, At times it felt like that cheers Pat
  3. Very fine work Eberhard, especially noting the scale you are working at. cheers Pat
  4. In the photos at least it is impossible to see the difference in the line colour (or size) Rob; nice job! Making some great progress, you cannot be too far off finishing her now? cheers Pat
  5. Thanks Steven, I am with Mark based on the initial feedback, possibly something to do with working or recovering the anchor? (or possibly he ram?) When I get a chance I will look back through some of my early stuff and see if I uncover anything. cheers Pat
  6. Hi Carl, If I get the chance to go back I will certainly allow a couple of days to catch upu with a few MSW members The last trip was just too hectic with a lot compressed into a very short time.. John, there is also the Titanic experience in Belfast (I think). cheers Pat
  7. Hi Steven, Lehmann has raised some interesting points worth some further investigation. My 'tuppence' worth - I would really like to know the purpose or position of the block. Was it part of a tackle, fixed to the hull/deck or a running block. This would help to determine the block's shape and construction as some of the features have been lost to 'rot' - how much we do not know I assume. Fore example, if the block was used as part of a tackle, it also may only have needed one or two holes. But if fixed to the hull or deck, the holes may only have been needed for securing other ropes as well? Do you have some information, even a hint, as to what it was used for? cheers Pat
  8. Hi John, Would have loved to do more but the only ship 'up north' (by UK standards - as all are up north from Melbourne) was the Britannia (thanks Keith). I think I may have had my leave cancelled if I had sounded out the Admiral to do more As it was she was having 'kittens' by my wanting to climb the rigging on the SS Great Britain. There was a chance to do it (for a fee) but unfortunately the activity had closed by the time the tour had finished I did have Chatham on my list but time ran out unfortunately. I was told it is undergoing a major refurbishment and that it will be a much better visit in the future - so there's my excuse to go back cheers Pat
  9. I am sure at your build scale most observers would have difficulty noticing the size difference Rob, and besides, if the Spanker mast is a little smaller, the rigging would have been correspondingly smaller anyway. he colour match is the more important thing here, as even a tine difference would be noticeable to some. cheers Pat
  10. Hi Keith - HMS Warrior by a long shot There was a very informative guide on Warrior who gave us a lot of his time discussing the armament and other fittings. We (4 of us) also had unfettered access, with another guide taking us into areas normally not open - which was great Also, I must confess as she is contemporary to Victoria (as was SS Great Britain) this sways me a little. That is not to say I did not enjoy the other, it is just that the Warrior visit was less 'tourist' oriented. cheers Pat
  11. Awesome! They look so alike you would think they were CNC'd - great control. cheers Pat
  12. If we did not know better Chuck you would think that is a 3D generated model - you are a master of your craft Sir! cheers Pat
  13. Mark, the Germans were actually working on (possibly using by the end of the war) remote guided bombs also Just mentioning Greg, I have now had a chance to better look at your log and must say that is some pretty impressive PE. This will be a very detailed ship model when complete. Imagination can take you anywhere with her final look noting she was never fully completed so I look forward to your interpretation. cheers Pat
  14. Thanks for the pointer; any such information always helps and contributes to the greater information of naval (and land based) artillery. There are a number of useful books of this era available online such as A Treatise of Naval Gunnery by Sir H Douglas amongst many. Thanks for taking taking the time to share this. cheers Pat
  15. Just back guys and catching up on all the logs - great furlough (as Patrick puts it ). I was able to visit Portsmouth (Warrior and Victory), Bucklars Hard, Royal Yacht Britannia and SS Great Britain amongst the other tour visits - so very worthwhile. cheers Pat
  16. A masterful example of the modelling craft Ed, what a joy it has been to follow this build. She looks GREAT! As you said, the last 10% is always seems the most tedious but your attention to detail has paid dividends. Bring on Vol 4 there is a vol 4 isn't there - can't get all this wonderful work in just 3 volumes cheers Pat
  17. Great workmanship and nicely made parts Eberhard; some very nice progress since I last looked in. I have been away for a month and was delighted to see the updates. I am sure you are more than up to the challenge of pulling the wires in the mesh as the level of workmanship in some of your finely detailed work was probably harder for you? cheers Pat
  18. Very nicely done Augustus; very high quality work. I have been away for a month or so and really enjoyed catching up on your build. cheers Pat
  19. Very nice work Eric; as others have said I actually like the planking the way you have done it - more authentic looking. cheers Pat
  20. Masterfully done Steven; that awning looks great - take a pat or two on the back and some stiff refreshment as congratulations mate. cheers Pat
  21. Great updates Amalio; up to your usual very high standard of workmanship and quality. cheers Pat
  22. Hi Gary, unfortunately no as it was raining heavily during my visit and no flash photography was allowed on board for some reason??? I would have thought flash would not be a serious problem but there must be some good reason for it. I managed an outside shot or two before the rain drops clouded the lens too much, and also there were some areas roped off as 'no access' when I visited including the after areas of the ship on the lower deck - a big disappointment. One positive though, I had a great tour of the Warrior but that doesn't help you much. cheers Pat
  23. Looks the 'ants pants' G.L. Some lovely detail there. cheers Pat
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