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Posts posted by Gregory

  1. On 6/12/2021 at 4:11 PM, Chuck said:

    One is made entirely of Boxwood while the other is made almost entirely of Yellow cedar. 

    While I am well aware of the qualitiies of boxwood, the cedar has more of a glow.

    I look forward to seeing how it ages.. 


     I wouldn't want to wait 200 years for the boxwood to take on the amber look that looks so well.😁

  2. I get the cutting blades from Malco.    On my last orders a few months ago, they have required $100 minimum order.


    I don't see any thing in the 200 tooth range.   I know I have made super fine cuts with teeth in the ~100 range.


    Byrnes also sells blades   Not sure about the arbors, but they also sell arbor adaptors..


    For the gratings look for a thickness that suits your job.  

  3. I'm revisiting this in response to the original post.


    On 3/2/2021 at 2:26 PM, Tomculb said:

    What methods and dyes have people successfully used to get the color they want?


    There was a discussion about staining/dyeing boxwood where it was agreed boxwood doesn't take some stains very well.  One or more people mentioned dyeing with an alcohol based stain.


    I proceeded to get some  Fiebling's dark brown shoe dye to experiment.  It actually worked pretty good to make my boxwood blocks darker.


    I had thought, and mentioned above, that I didn't think synthetic/polyester would take dye very well, with the idea that it was like trying to dye plastic and wouldn't stick.


    Well, I was wrong.


    On a whim, I dyed some of my home made polyester rope with the above mentioned dye and it really worked pretty good.



    Top is before, bottom is same rope dyed.  ( Please ignore the unravelling..    That happened before I baked my rope.. )


    Getting the color you want could take a lot of experimenting, and have a lot to do with the color you start with.


    For home rope makers, I see it as a way to avoid getting different colored thread for standing and running rigging..


    Find a good light color you like for running rigging, then dye it dark for the standing..


    Note: The dye can be very messy, but it cleans up pretty easily with alcohol, depending on how long it sits before you get to it..


  4. 7 hours ago, DaveBaxt said:

     That sounds like a good way to do this but could be a little tricky as I have already fitted sections for strengthening


    When I described extra bulkheads, they don't have to extend to the backbone like the original framing.



    All you are looking to do is fill out the outer profile to provide a surface for planking. Just add what amounts to shims

    to the edges of the existing bulkheads.  Create as many layers as you feel necessary.  It is a lot like adding blocks, but laminated so

    you can reduce the amount of shaping needed.



  5. On 6/6/2021 at 12:04 PM, glbarlow said:

    Normally I replace kit rope with Syren products but that is no longer an option and I have little interest in making my own. 

    I'm going to toss this out here..


    I can make what I feel is very acceptable model rope..  However, I do not think I want to go into the model rope making business..


    If someone has a particular project, with details in color and size, I would enjoy working with them to provide the rope they need.


    The cost would basically be postage and materials.  I do not have the space to create 20 foot lengths like Syren used to do.

    It would be more in the 4 to 5 foot range.

    Of course, I could provide as many 5 foot pieces  as someone might think they need.

    I never made anything for my own use that was more than a couple of feet.  No one line in a project was ever longer than that.


    Send me a message if you would like to discuss this or get a sample..

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