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Everything posted by Gregory

  1. Have you seen this one? The Schooner: Its Design and Development from 1600 to the Present Paperback – March 1, 2001 It looks like it may be fairly comprehensive as well..
  2. What kind of help do you need? There is another scratch build of Bounty going on by AdamA .. You might check it out.
  3. My log explains that 'Resolution" is a name chosen by Corel with no resemblance to any actual ' Resolution ' on record. Also explained in my log, the lines are a close match to drawings found at the NMM for Ferret 1711. The drawings say it is " ... a cutter-rigged Sloop. " ... I try not to struggle too much with rope sizes based on tables or establishments.. I look at contemporary and other well made models and try to get a look that is well proportioned.
  4. Don't remember exactly, but came across it somewhere. Think " rotten egg smell "... Has to do with outgassing sulfur compounds. If I were going to patina a ( model ) ship's bottom, I would enclose it in an upside down box or something similar, the more airtight the better, and have several chopped boiled eggs in there with it. Just a few hours should do it. Not as messy as having to brush something on, then wipe it off.
  5. Once the copper is all done, assuming it doesn't have some kind of coating on it, just clean it real good with acetone and it will develop a nice patina in a few months. If you want something a little faster, put it in an enclosed space with a few chopped boiled eggs.. Check every few hours untill it looks like you want. This is copper leaf that I put in a bag with a chopped boiled egg overnight..
  6. This one? Masting and Rigging Spreadsheet Thanks for getting me there.
  7. Do you by chance have a link for that? Searching for stuff here is not as intuitive ( for me anyway ) as you think it might be..
  8. Isn't it really great when someone takes the time to explain something rather than telling us to go look in " $200 Book " .. This epitomizes the true worth of these forums..
  9. Great update.. The FA is on my " soon to do list " .. I look forward to seeing how the CNC and laser can embellish the kit.. Did you consider using the laser to square up the window frames?
  10. I have to 2nd Blue Ensign on this. The reason most wood ship kits are never finished is because even the most simple ones are not simple. Take a look at the index of build logs. Note how many are " Finished " Note how many haven't been updated in 5 or more years.. Few people have the patience to see these kits through to the end..
  11. This came up when I was working on my Mary.. Similar boats have double vangs..
  12. On an 1820 Baltimore schooner, I assumed he meant these.. ... from the topic i referenced above..
  13. I'm surprised you didn't get more any replies.. This must have slipped off the radar. There is an excellent topic regarding topsail schooner rigging. Here is the post that has some info regarding vangs.
  14. Chris, I was just looking in on the Sphinx build and the stove caught my attention. That looks like a great mini kit to offer in your store. Any plans to offer things like this or your other kits like capstans, pumps & etc. ?
  15. It's only too abrasive when it's too abrasive... The grit on these start at 1500 and is used for polishing. Grit 1500 2000 2500 3000 5000 7000 High Precision Polishing Sanding Wet/dry Abrasive Sandpaper Sheets - Germany, Pack of 12
  16. Bill97, Since your actual question is about color of 3rd party rope, I think you will find that dark brown is in favor for standing rigging, and a hemp color for running.. Since you are going to the expense and trouble of buying out of the box, look for quality that actually looks like miniature rope, and not just different sizes of string/cord.. Here is a post about one of our sponsors CraftySailor
  17. Craftsman still has the lifetime warranty on hand tools.. I don't know if it as easy to claim it as it used to be. I used to could take a 10 year old screwdriver with a chipped blade into a Sears store and swap it out, no questions asked.
  18. Do you have a link for that? From the image, I cant tell if its a chain saw or an electric shotgun..
  19. Could they have really skimped on the superstructure while spending more on the outside appearence?
  20. Here is what Mondfeld shows for sails or no sails.. Also, some sails like sky sails and royals were " set flying ", so the yards were not present without sails.. I don't think this is a consideration with Bounty..
  21. I want to say at this point that the key to success with this kit would be to take a lot more time than I did, to carefully finish the pieces, and check fit before gluing. They are so small, just a little heavy handedness with the sanding will throw everything way off. Chuck has included at least one extra of the whelps and chocks, so a little fo rgiveness is included in the kit. I did a little rough finishing on my unimat, My final sanding was with some stuff that I'm not sure what the grit is. At least a thousand.. It produced a nice polished look that I think looks pretty good. Here is the new head piece that I fabricated with my laser. ( the old one on the right) The holes are all proper now.. Here is the finished upper Capstan on the deck of my ship. A close up. The finish is some very thin poly. I really like the look of the cherry for my purposes. My workmanship does not do the kit justice, so I really look forward to see what some of the Winchelsea builders accomplish with this kit. If one follows the instructions precisely, you can't go wrong. I will be putting together the AYC version soon, but taking a lot more time and refining what I have learned with this quick build.
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