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Everything posted by S.Coleman

  1. Hello there. To stop the line from being fuzzy, run some beeswax with your fingers before rigging throughout the dead eyes. I always pre-turn my chainplate deadeyes so that one of the holes are on the bottom. Fasten with the smallest amount of glue. White wood glue works best for rigging. But please dilute this glue so it can soak into the lines. About 50:50 dilute. Keeping the whole assembly from twisting is the key. To do this make sure the shroud line is not twisted, Then as you have passed the line through the deadeyes and need to tie off around the shroud make sure no tension is trying to turn it by alternating which side you are bringing the line around to tie off. Hope this is helpful.
  2. Starting to look great. The hull plating might be a lot of work but just be patient. Good job
  3. What a brilliant model. Never heard of styrene bulkheads before. That was good to see something different. Well done mate.
  4. Speedy construction. Looks great. Now almost ready for the rigging
  5. Looking great! I have recently purchased this exact kit, but it will have to wait as other builds are in the line. The Australian maritime museum over in Sydney have a full size replica. I will be looking at this for references. The decks have come up great. Good work.
  6. I have this very kit stashed in the spare room awaiting construction. I am a little worried about the large amounts of castings. Your doing a fine job. Looks good. But beware, AL is not the best for historical accuracy if that is your taste. Best of luck.
  7. Just brought this kit off a local buy and sell page. Is there any pit falls on this particular kit? Searched already this page but came up with nothing. Thanks.
  8. Wow! What a great build. Looking good. Any questions just ask us here. Everyone is more than happy to help out. Best of luck.
  9. What a find! Maybe because it was lying out on the surface was because someone picked it up and thought nothing of it. Just an old teaspoon they thought. Good worrk
  10. I hate to say it but the Mamoli factory burned to the ground just over a year or so ago. Replacement parts will be very very scarce. Mamoli line will eventually be up and running soon I hope under new ownership. Your build looks great. Good work.
  11. Same as the rest. Drill works for me. Leave about 30-45mm extra on the spar/ yard to slot into the drill. Once the yard is spun down to the correct Dia, simply cut of the 30-45mm extra. This saves marking your already spun peice from the drills chuck. Hope thes all help you.
  12. Hey that looks great. I have been looking in ever since this build started and have been most impressed each time. Well done.
  13. This brings back memories. I hope you and your granddaughter get a lot out of this build. I have thought about building this ship again. All the best with your deck warp issue. Great work so far.
  14. I usually use masking tape to temporarily hold the rudder in place while I mark out the hinge positions. Clamp a strip to the bottom of the false keel to keep the rudder at the correct height. The notches are twice the width of the hinges, And the hinge, should be installed so the hinge pins are recessed in the notches. This means there is not so much a large gap between the stern post and the rudder leading edge. Hope this helps.
  15. The wheel has come up great. Be careful of the nail heads on your vents. I had trouble setting the second deck on as these nail heads were poking out a little to proud. It's coming along very well. Neat job.
  16. Nice job on the black wash on the walls. Wish I had done that. Be careful when adding these structures onto the deck as the locating tabs are out. I cut my tabs off and made it much more easy. Good work.
  17. She'll be heavy with all the decorations on her. Best of luck. I hope they have plenty of strips for planking.
  18. Have a look and search through the build logs here. I'm pretty sure I have seen a build log on this ship here somewhere. Might even be some photos in our gallery. Best of luck.
  19. Top job on the hinges. Your hull has come up an absolute beauty. Well done. Those casting never seem to fit in all kits. Usually abit of fudging around to get them right.
  20. Yes you are correct about the plans. Even worse when it comes to rigging her. Best of luck to you.
  21. A lot nicer here in Perth! The Citadel brand manly found in games workshop or anywhere Warhammer miniatures are sold.
  22. Not too many build logs you see of this ship. Great start. What material is that hull made out of?
  23. One could almost build another complete ship out of the discarded parts!! As long as your having fun along the way. Good work.
  24. Most beautiful work. I love the seizing around the hearts in your last photo. That crows feet rigging sure has come up great. Extra clean hands as not to strain or dirty that white rigging line I bet. Excellent job.
  25. There is so many varied ways to do this process. For me 20 minutes submerged in warm water (not hot steaming water) and I use a cheap and nasty AL plank bender. It's done me alot of good work. Best of luck.
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