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Everything posted by S.Coleman

  1. Exciting moments.! The shipyard is firing back up again.
  2. Ahhhhhh. Yes. Good to see you back and glad to her all is going well for you and the family.
  3. Looking very sharp. Those sails look like Swiss cheese. Great painting. And great work on your build. Can almost see the light at the end.
  4. The titanic lifeboat may not be a good practice kit as the hull planks are clinked. Amati have a brilliant ship called the The Adventure. It's ment to be a pirate ship. It's cheep and will give you the very basics if hull planking etc etc. Best of luck.
  5. Hey this looks great. I found myself drooling over your rope coils on your belaying pin racks. That is some serious wow. Good work. Your rigging is very neat.
  6. The president is a kit that requires a lot of fumbling with plans. No pictures on step by step type. I found it frustrating! The rigging plans are very minimal.
  7. that wood came up great with the stain on it. Good worl looks real neat.
  8. Off to a good start. Nice to see all is fitting well together. A 100mm cannon is a monster.
  9. Armed Virginia Sloop is another great first timer PoB. There is a great Practicum and plenty of info about this kit. Best of luck.
  10. Defiantly a lot going on in the hangers. I can only imagine what the superstructure would be like. Your a brave man. Nice work. Very neat straight and tidy.
  11. That is extremely clever. Well done. Nice work.
  12. Off to a flying start. I do like your deck planking. Looks neat. I use the same method as you when it comes to the deck nails. A very sharp pencil. Good work.
  13. All the best for your build. Take your time. The bow on this ship is very buff so it's quite tricky.
  14. When planking the hull, lay a plank on the Port side then lay the next on the Starboard side. Then back to the Port side and so on. If you plank just one half of the hull at once you will create a bend in the false keel. Make sure you plank evenly on both sides of the hull.
  15. Good work. Nicely done. I know exactly what you mean as I used to be a FIFO for 6 years. Worked in Karratha, Port Hedland, Newman, Yandi and Cloudbreak. I used to lie there at nights figuring out my next more for when I got home. I like the accuracy and neatness of your build.
  16. Those mortars look great. Looks good with one stowed and the other raised. Good clean job.
  17. Beautiful work on the windlass. I like the idea of making the round holes square. The last layer of planks look great. Good work.
  18. Nice work. I also use the Titebond wood glue. Better than normal wood glue as it dries faster. Good job so far
  19. Congratulations on completion of your build. It turned out a real gem. Good work. The attention to detail is great. A must at this scale.
  20. The boats look great. I do like the detail. I shall Endeavor to follow along on this build. I hate the boat construction too but it's all part of it. Good work.
  21. Looking great so far. I like the copper decorations. Good work.
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