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Everything posted by S.Coleman

  1. I see a lot of Armed Virginia Sloops from Model ship ways as a beginner build. An excellent choice for very minimal rigging would be a longboat HMS Bounty longboat maybe.
  2. I tried building masts and spars on the ship but turns out its 100 times easier to get as much done as possible before fitting to the ship. I build up everything for the masts, Then install them on the ship. Then I get everything done on the spars then attach them to the masts. Best of luck.
  3. Sometimes the letter "D" is used to represent that the line is double.
  4. I love the block and tackle for the steering lines. Is that normal for the wheel and stand to be white?
  5. Good progress on the ship. I'm glad you took photos of your work space. This will be the last time you will see it clean!
  6. Awwwww . this is like waiting for Christmas!!! As soon as the Beagle 1:64 kitsch message out im snatching it up. I was so close to buying one before the great fire but never did. I'm all in favour for the economy to pick up so we can see this line of kits on the shelves again.
  7. Neat job on those stern galleries. I had just been through that period of sitting down to build and having nightmares
  8. Nick is right. The nails are only used temporarily while the glue has dried. Also good for using pins to attach deck furniture ie, Bitts and bollards. Simply drill a hole in the base and into the deck. Insert and glue in a nail with the head removed. Gives extra strength.
  9. How did you get on with those mast caps? Hope construction is progressing well.
  10. Always sitting. Ocansonaly standing when rigging. Oh and up and down every half n hour to attend my needy cat!!
  11. Little details like this keeps the observer wow factor level up. Good work
  12. It's coming along great. Hope drilling for the eyelets go according to plan.
  13. It's almost like a model railway on the stern.! I like this build very very much. Good work. That taymia putty is tricky to use (sets quick) but is worth it's weight in gold.
  14. Oh dear goodness!!!!! I wonder what went through their minds a split second after it was knocked over? A massive undertaking if you have to paint the whole port side. Look at all those brass portholes! The very best of luck to you.
  15. Twist the line in the oppersite direction until the strands unravel and open up. Then slip the line over the top of the mast. Finish with seizings on either side.
  16. I have also tried fabric glue buy with no success on having small amounts of tension. I wonder if you can get a similar product like fixement over here.
  17. You stated that you broke that part. How did you mange that? My ones are big thick cast heavy things.
  18. You mentioned about an odd shaped hull. The stern looks like it has some major bending up under the transom. Is this where you mean it sort of flares out? To accommodate those extras?
  19. Thanks guys. I wonder in the future manufactures will produce PoB kits with extremely wide bulkheads to do basically the same. I'm jus having one of those inventive moods.
  20. It took me 6 completed ships to reach the 1:75 80 Gun ship Friesland. Now I'm glad I gained experience. Trust me first time model shipwrights, it helps out a lot. I hope you have read through these comments and settled in for a build to gain knowledge and success to help you achieive your desired expectations without giving up on the hobby. Best of luck.
  21. Well I don't know but google translator put it at "Donkey head". I typed it in a few different ways. Hope this is some help.
  22. It just seams an important part of the hull structure. Not only is it better to fix planks to but also makes the hull more sound. I guess your right guys the cost. Thanks.
  23. Can someone please help me find the answer to this. With your normal PoB style hull, Modelers install filler blocks. These can be very important when planking, So why don't manufactures include them in the kit? Instead of being forced to buy separate wood and then shape them. Just something that struck me the other day and got me thinking. Thanks
  24. On one of your sub deck hatches it looks like part of the false keel has steps actualy cut into it. Am I correct?
  25. Chris Lindons build the Freisland has got some amazing finishes. He uses Citadel Warhammer paints. Made it look old and weathered. He also explains for us how he achieves those results. Best of luck.
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