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Everything posted by Ponto

  1. LOL..........I suppose the "rookies" (don't know the seafaring equivalent?) were stuck with the business end of the cannons having to lean out the gun ports when called for.......nasty business that would be!!! jp
  2. "Leaning out of the gun ports".... during a skirmish????? ummm.... I think I'd prefer to man the tackle at back end of the cannon please...... jp
  3. I realize space was always a premium aboard the vessels but I often wondered if the 2 feet or so was enough to take care of business between each fired round? jp
  4. MSW has quite a few accomplished builders,.... and you can consider yourself among them. Very nice work!!! JP
  5. ... such exquisite detail!!!!! Surely this must be full time endeavor?.....I hate to think this is actually possible after spending eight hours a day at some other full time job / career? JP
  6. LOL........this, in a nutshell is a blow by blow description of what I face. When I start stepping on assorted shrapnel and the sawdust starts to hide this and that, I know it is time to start the cycle over again! JP
  7. When it comes time to maneuvering and placing the guns onto the carriages through the gun ports, tying a string around the barrel will help with retrieval should one happen to slip through by accident.....once the cement has set, the string can be removed. JP
  8. Seems like I'd better forward images of my completed WVH......look for it soon in the completed gallery. Sorry to hear about the issues with the gun carriages......it would have helped matters if they were pinned to the deck. I've got a bucket full of build in progress images so let me know if you get hung up on any specific steps and I'll dig through the archive. JP
  9. I keep revisiting this log and wonder how is this all possible,... and yet,. all the step by step photos are right there, and even all close up!!!! ...leaves me in awe........... JP
  10. Looks like it's been awhile,...... but, I have been busy with the build. I 'm fairly happy with the progress on the stern as everything fits to my satisfaction. The planking has been completed below the main wale and I even got to try my hand at some spiling. Some current progress shots to follow ......... JP
  11. zoly99sask, on 15 Oct 2015 - 9:52 PM, said: Thanks for the links,.....the work found here is SCARY GOOD!!! ... just goes to show that there is no limit to how much detail can go into a build, scratch or kit build. JP
  12. Ahhh, the joys of Christmas.....did I understand correctly that the Canadian Dollar is being accepted at par with the Euro??? ... hope your sale goes well Daniel ........ JP
  13. I enjoyed and am quite happy with my efforts on Corel's Wappen Von Hamburg kit. It falls into the "larger" scale kit that you seek....only a suggestion as their are many available. Enjoy your search. JP
  14. Every aspect of this build is very, very well done!!!........a joy to observe and another level to strive for.......... jp
  15. Thanks for the link Mark,...another example of skill on a whole other level. I do believe that the Euromodel kit represents a ship of a different time. These images depict three different takes on the kit that I'm currently working on if I'm not mistaken.
  16. I really like the rich, dark tones found above but some liberties were taken with the placement and fit of the castings....I'm not too sure if the ornamentation would have been left floating as depicted and the deck is also cropped at both corners of the hull..; This particular build is closer to the plans offered up by Euromodel......I think my plan is to combine the two efforts and shoot for something in between. ***Links to these builds can be found earlier in this thread.*** JP
  17. Le Renommee stern is underway,......after many hours of viewing the plans, viewing endless related images found in other logs and those of finished builds, ... and trying to sort out ways to temporarily affix the assorted components,......I think I'm closer to overcoming a hurdle that seems to baffle me with every build. The supplied castings are quite well done for the scale but need some planning and a lot of trial fitting and tweaking. The metal is soft and easy to modify. The following images should help future builders and depict my method of madness........JPattachment=266114:SCALE STENCIL OVERLAY.JPG]
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