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Everything posted by Ponto

  1. Just a quick heads up to EuromodeI fanboys...I found an Easter greetings email from the manufacturer this weekend. Nice gesture, I thought and a sneaky way to direct you to the website which is offering another discounted sale. I started my Le Renommee so someone kick my behind to kickstart my build log...LOL..... JP
  2. Had a quick visit to your blog and looks like you've got a good start...I would think, though, typically, one should align the tops of the bulkheads with the upper ledge of the false keel. To achieve this it may be necessary to adjust the notches in either the bulkheads or the false keel..and adding center lines on all the components helps with the alignment. JP
  3. The stem needs tapering, and if I recall correctly, this is depicted on one of the plans. I'll post images of my recently completed WVH soon.....enjoy the many challenges of a superb Corel kit. JP
  4. Interesting thread and discussion,.......I'll toss out another link that should generate some related interest in the field of this craft (just another tool to ponder!!!!).......enjoy......... https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/224743317/stepcraft-2-universal-desktop-cnc-3d-printer-for-e?ref=nav_search JP ***make sure to scroll down to see the applications directly related to ship modelling***
  5. Bravo!......skill at both craftsmanship as well as the images provided.......please don't stop! JP
  6. Excellent images along with the superb technique and craftsmanship!...I'll add this as a "go to" source for any future queries I may have....... JP
  7. Absolutely mind boggled and take aback with the attention to detail-----please excuse my ignorance, but will the lid completely obscure your efforts? JP
  8. I really like the look of the "warhammer" paints (inks?) that you are using --- are they similar to a "wash" used for adding depth? Please add some specifics on the technique and supplies you use......thanks in advance. JP
  9. A very classy case that fits the classy subject matter,........Well Done! JP
  10. Many years ago when I took up this nautical adventure in miniature I dreamed that the Victory would be my definitive build......after building the Corel offering and breaking it up and salvaging it for parts, I think that this Amati offering may be my dream build............ JP
  11. Huge Box!!!!.......Have fun but take care when you need to turn that beast about on the table....... J
  12. A definite "go to" log for step by step tutorial type build techniques.....I've shied away from adding sails but feel much better about "going there" now.... thank you for all your efforts! JP
  13. Nice Work!.......and lightening fast ------- started in May 2014 if I'm not mistaken ------- JP
  14. .... good to know,... but I would suggest a new one as opposed to recycling the used ring from toilet replacements------YUCK ......LOL !!! JP
  15. Every once in awhile I begin to stumble during my builds but then I open up a log such as this and see what can be accomplished ......absolutely marvelous! JP
  16. There are many logs and builds that I admire here at MSW but I'm close to feeling that this may be the definitive build and wish that I could reach out and actually touch it......just awestruck! JP
  17. Nice progress,... and don't sweat the minute details too much --- if you add a wash or two for depth and than add some dry brushing for highlights, the effect as a whole will become more unified. JP
  18. I have posted this link before,but for me personally this is THE model ship and one that has had the biggest influence on my future style of modelling,but I shall post it again for anyone unfamiliar with it; http://www.shipmodels.com.ua/eng/models/elite/le_ambiteux/index.htm Kind Regards Nigel ...some gorgeous work on that site...professional standards and art at its finest!!! JP
  19. I have one and it is fine....I wish I could have the best of everything but thats just not a reality. JP
  20. The "practice" round looks good... and I think one can obsess over trying to achieve perfect symmetry with the ratlines. A little serendipity looks more natural as far as I'm concerned ------It also looks like there is some slackness to the real shroud images and this will prove very challenging at the scale we work at --- I find that the shrouds need to be quite taut otherwise tying the ratlines may distort the shrouds..........enjoy!!!!!!!! JP
  21. Ratlines are a judgment endeavour and you will know when they are too tight, too loose, and just right...just trial and error. A little sag is what i try to incorporate with a slight (very little) touch of cyano working the "droop" with a toothpick until hardened off. After some practice its a method which works for me.......... \jp
  22. ...good point... I've often wondered about tree nails using this rationale but.... I'm all ears JP
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