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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. I admit to being a little confused by what it was you are trying to achieve ( I have but a simple mind ) until I saw the last few photos, then it all became clear. I like what your doing here Captn and will be watching very closely. Be Good mobbsie
  2. Thanks for that mate, answers one question, the other is:- When I turned my guns I had a small split in the wood and it exploded on me, how on earth did you turn your guns with a damn great hole in them ? We can discuss the merits of the Sherline next time we chat mate. Be Good mobbsie
  3. Hi Grant, Those guns are gob-smackingly good my friend. They both look superb on their carriage and will look even better when all the ironwork is in place. If you turned those barrels out on a wood lathe using hand tools then your in the wrong job mate. I can't wait for the end of January to see your next update
  4. Season Greetings Patrick, Enjoy the festivities and all the very best for 2016 mate. Be Good mobbsie
  5. Hi Bob, Nothing wrong with getting ahead of your build buddy mate, it just means you get to make the mistakes first. Lovely work Bob. Have a great Christmas and a successful 2016. Be Good mobbsie
  6. Hi Piet, Nice paintwork mate, she's looking really swish, chimney looks good also. Merry Christmas to You and Gwen and all the Very Best for 2016. Be Good mobbsie
  7. She commands a place of honour Nils, with the best lighting you can find, she's beautiful. Have a great Christmas and Happiness and Prosperity for 2016. Be Good mobbsie
  8. A Very Merry Christmas to You and Janet mate and may 2016 bring you both the relief you desperately want. Enjoy the hols mate. Be Good mobbsie
  9. Hi Kevin, A very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and prosperous New Year to You, Ruth and Dobbie, how the heck did you get him to sit still long enough to get him kitted out in that garb and have his pic taken, he's lovely. Be Good mobbsie
  10. Hi John, Wonderful mate, she's every part the whaler, looking forward to seeing the boats on the davits. All the very best for Christmas and 2016 my friend, may the success of this build continue into your next. Be Good mobbsie
  11. Hi Peter, I like the base mate and she sits very nicely on her pedestals. Keep it up my friend. My best wishes for Christmas and the New Year, may you enjoy both. Be Good. mobbsie
  12. Hi Laurence / Guys Thank you very much for your kind words and Christmas Wishes. I would like to wish both you and Bernadette a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year. To all my friends here on MSW I would like to extend my Christmas Wishes and all the very best of Health and Happiness for the coming year. Mark I truly hope and pray that Janet finds the pain relief she rightly deserves and to all who have health issues may the New Year bring lasting relief. I wish you all many hours of happy modelling. Be Good mobbsie
  13. WOW, what an absolutely stunning ship, Nils she is gorgeous, you must be so proud of her. 29 months, from nothing to this beaut. ( I can only dream ) Have a great Christmas and 2016. Be Good mobbsie
  14. Hi, Pete, Pickles coming together really nicely mate, lots of little details that make her stand out a treat. Well done my friend. Have a Happy Christmas and I hope the New Year brings you every Happiness. Be Good mobbsie
  15. Hi Denis, Well done with the boat lashings mate, she could go round Cape Horn in a force 10 and that boat wouldn't move. H.M. is looking really very good, so neat and tidy. I hope you all have a lovely Christmas mate and that 2016 brings nothing but Happiness, Health and Prosperity. Be Good mobbsie
  16. Hi John, Wow, it's getting busy in there mate, your camera certainly picks up the details really well. I've seen her in a different light and she's beautiful. Your getting a ship you can be really proud of, well done mate. Be Good mobbsie
  17. Hi Guys, Mike, Have you discovered what distorted the hull in the first place and if so would it not be possible to un-do and re-do, glue can be undone by using Isopropyl Alcohol for the wood glue and Acetone for C.A., if you could take it back you may be able to straighten it out. It all just depends on how far you've got with her. Per, your right about the boat being short, she's only 59 cm in length but she is triple planked, the first planking is Walnut followed by Lime and then Walnut again for the final planking, I intend to make the final planking Swiss Pear as I don't want to use any paint where I don't need to. At the moment I'm having a nightmare with the first planking, as you say Walnut is pretty stubborn and I'll be honest it's going to look like a dogs dinner. The only saving grace is that a lot of the bad stuff wont be seen, the important planks are above the deck as these will be in full view when the bulkheads are removed, thankfully they are ok. Progress has been slowed somewhat due to the time of year and the up and coming festivities, plus I've had a few problems that have needed to be sorted out, things like getting my car repaired after a truck took the back end off whilst it was parked up outside my house, then I've had T.V. trouble, my Wi-Fi box packed up, then my viewing card burned out, the end result is that I'm getting it in the neck from the boss to get it all fixed, still nearly there. So please be patient with me and hopefully a pictorial update will come soon I hope. Be Good mobbsie
  18. Hi Mark, Lovely planking mate and the colour variation looks great. With regard to the use of steel wool, I'm with Bob on this, you could also put a good wax finish on, the hull colours would really stand out. If you do go with the steel wool mate, wear a crash hat, (protection from the frying pan). Be Good mobbsie
  19. Hi Frank, I'm a half hour early mate but who cares, a Very Happy 80th Birthday my friend, have a lovely relaxing day with the family, I mean lets face it, your to bloody old to paint the town red. 1934, America was in Great Depression, Hitler named himself Fuehrer of Germany, Mussolini was Prime Minister of Italy and Roosevelt was President of the United States. The Midwest drought destroyed 35 million acres of farmland in Oklahoma and finally President Roosevelt instituted public works programs to build roads, dams and bridges to create jobs. Unemployment at that time was at 22 per cent. Then came you, and brightened the whole place up. Happy Birthday mate. Be Good mobbsie
  20. Hi Remco, A very happy birthday mate, I hope your day goes well and is packed with surprises. Be Good mobbsie
  21. Well done Mark on a great achievement, the hull looks fantastic even without sanding. Lessens well learned and implemented mate. Be Good mobbsie
  22. Hi John Nice touch with the slides mate, not seen them on a build before, looking real good. Are the fixing points for the deadeyes on the chains soldered or just bent round, if the former then that's some pretty fine work. Well done mate. Be Good mobbsie
  23. Hi Piet, I see your dilemma mate, no doubt you will have an answer your happy with. There are some pretty weird colour shades there, I can understand why you would want to go with your own colour. I'm looking forward to seeing the completed paintwork. Be Good mobbsie
  24. Thanks guys for looking in, with all the expertise checking in I've really got to be on my metal, hope I'm worthy. Be Good mobbsie
  25. Glad to have you tag along Piet, drop in any time. Be Good mobbsie
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