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Everything posted by dvm27

  1. Looks terrific, Toni. I also notice in the last photo that you have hung some hammocks between the battens. Must have missed them before but they look really good.
  2. Wonderful Giampiero. You rarely see the rudder coat included on models. I suspect that fitting and nailing it over the tiller opening is not easy!
  3. They look great, Chuck. I think one of the hardest things to do is create realistic looking rope, along with it's natural tendency to drape properly. It's most likely a scaling issue I believe. Oddly enough, it seems in order to achieve a realistic catenary, like the gentle drooping of the stays, a wire core seems to work best (at small scales). Many of the models in Annapolis show this graceful catenary but most of them were rigged with silk, a material which naturally drapes over time.
  4. Doc, check out the document by David Antscherl on our website "Tips" page, bottom. http://www.admiraltymodels.com/Tips.html While I can't provide a PE sheet at that scale it does explain the basics of lantern construction.
  5. We can't help it Druxey. We have cabin fever after a long winter!
  6. Your weathered wreck is truly fine craftsmanship, Glen. It's so convincing it's hard to believe it's not the real ship.
  7. Splendid work, Marsalv.! I usually fit the hanging knees after the beams are installed but I may rethink that after seeing your photos.
  8. She's already a gem, Druxey. We all wait with anticipation for your next update.
  9. Neat as a pin, Chuck! I'm sure you've researched it, but the bright trucks look a bit jarring next to the painted carriages. Is this artistic license or have you seen similar carriages on other models?
  10. Take a look at Woodlands Scenery http://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/ Glen. I've used their landscaping products before and they are excellent. They have a great video tutorial section. Check out the one on water.
  11. Wonderful work on those very difficult head timbers, Alexandru. So many different surfaces and angles to consider.
  12. Brilliant work, Glenn, as usual. Those brass paddlewheel shafts - is your lathe CNC controlled or are they turned freehand?
  13. Very convincing iron-like finish on the carronade, Chuck. Look forward to your finishing technique details.
  14. Great start Alan. Druxey has a great technique for keeping the chisel perpendicular using the reflection in the mirror finish of the chisel. Perhaps he can elaborate.
  15. Wonderful work, Glen. Did you need Novocaine to facilitate the amputation of those beautiful, healthy flywheels?
  16. Outstanding, Mike! Chuck has unleashed some pretty awesome Cheerful on this website.
  17. I have had the pleasure of holding and examining this little jewel of a model today and it is even more impressive in person. It is surprisingly small, light and translucent. It's quite perfect! I believe Druxey is building it on spec so perhaps some lucky MSW member will end up with it.
  18. This is precisely the reason that young people are not attracted to ship model making, Chuck. Instant gratification is the mantra for most people under 40 as well as the "good enough" philosophy.
  19. This happened to Franklin, while building his beautiful Egmont model. He applied a wet cloth to the hull overnight and in the morning it was back to speck. I believe he added the wales and some internal planks and the problem was solved.
  20. I'll take your "ugly" side any day, Mike. Loved the Soviet anecdote!
  21. Whatever league you and Remco are in, the rest of us are huge fans. You guys hit it out of the park every time (sorry...baseball season is upon us again).
  22. I managed to scrap together enough spare pieces for Dan to make them, Toni. We've had some demand so I may carry them again on our Admiralty Models website.
  23. Really enjoying your build, Tom. Fascinating to see a different approach other than plank on frame or bulkhead on a vessel of this era.
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