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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. Sorry to hear about the surgery, Sherry. We'll keep our fingers crossed for a complete and rapid recovery. Follow the Dr.'s orders !
  2. If you spend enough time on a boat Tom, anything that can possibly work loose or break loose will .... sooner or later.
  3. If you're worried about the superscript 'e' it's just the French version of our 'nd' or 'th' as in 2nd or ninth.
  4. Booms look terrific!!!! Now tell us about the stabilizers (birds).
  5. Here are my best wishes for a safe trip and successful outcome. We'll keep a light burning in the gallery for you.
  6. Looks nice, Larry. And I'm looking forward to those next photos
  7. If you run out of options, try looking for lead shot. I've got .44 calibre lead balls used in old black powder pistols. As Mike mentioned, it's really malleable and you can flatten it pretty uniformly using a good vise.
  8. It's been a long time since I built the longboat, Robert. And that part of my build log was lost back on the old MSW. From looking at the plans, lift #4 is wider in the stern than lift #5. As I recall, this aids in the sanding process and leaves you room to get a nice flare back there. Just to put your mind at ease, why not shoot off a PM to Chuck. I'm sure he'll clear it up for you.
  9. Just caught up with your log, Nigel. Haven't followed one of these before so I'm looking forward to it. Glad that you've started a build log and are taking advantage of some of the articles here on MSW. Have a great voyage!
  10. Thanks for posting these step-by-step photos and comment, Grant. The process is beginning to make sense!
  11. Great start, mate. She's looking very impressive. And more to come!!!!!
  12. An inexpensive contour gage, like they use laying tile, also works well if you didn't save the bulkhead sheets.
  13. Glad you got it resolved!
  14. What a great example of cooperation. Congrats to both of you on the figurehead!
  15. That's really unfortunate --- the old one looked great. But you're right.......if you had a problem with the overall size you would be unhappy every time you looked at her. Brave move!
  16. Actually, it's probably unnecessary but I do it anyway --- apply a coat of diluted epoxy to wherever I can reach on the inside of the planking prior to sanding the outside. Particularly on a single planked hull. It really adds to the stiffness of the hull. Rubbing alcohol makes a good diluent to make the epoxy easily brushable.
  17. Great to hear from you but sorry about the injury. Working when you're in pain is no picnic. Oh well, there are the football playoffs to keep you occupied. Get better ASAP. We miss you!
  18. Planking is off to a great start. Be patient with Sherman --- looks like he's still only a teenager.
  19. Looking good. I think everyone develops their own system eventually and that's why there are so many variations. If it works, it's right!
  20. Looking good, Larry. As for the dust, yes.....it's a nuisance. The best 'cover' I've seen on MSW (and I don'r remember where) was one made of that PVC white pipe. A few elbows and some plastic sheet and you've got a light cover ---- but it is clumsy. I just try to keep the area clean, get the ship out of the way for sanding as much as possible and just blowing off the dust routinely. A nice soft and clean paintbrush also helps a lot.
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