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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. Very appropriate Grant. Elk season just opened this week!!! This guy stops by the house once a week to check out my build:
  2. Reminds me of the old Meatloaf song revisited to 'One out of Three Aint Bad'
  3. Beautiful gratings. Your photos of the fires look all too familiar. Stay safe down there.
  4. Simply a fantastic job. I've been looking forward to seeing her completed since I first saw that painting on your log. Congratulations on another masterpiece John.
  5. Adequately psyched by Wes' words of encouragement ( ), we embark on the gun ports. First the Quarter Deck. As mentioned earlier, Chuck provides templates for the gun ports. These are considerately placed on a sheet separate from the rest of the plans so you are not cutting your plans to shreds. The first photo shows the template for the 10 Quarter Deck gun ports in place: As can be seen in the above photo, one bulkhead extension needs to be removed as it falls in the middle of a gun port. This will also occur on the gun deck. This next photo shows the fine-tooth Exacto saw blade I used for this as well as the pencil marks delineating the upright positions as transferred from the template: This last photo shows the quarter deck gun ports completed and faired, as well as the template for the starboard side gun deck gun ports now in place. Several things worth mentioning....... The gun ports are not meant to be squares at this point. They are slightly wider than high. This is true of the ports for both the 6 and 12 pounders. Also, the lintel or rail above the quarter deck gun ports is only temporary and will be removed once (as) the bulkwark planking moves up the hull. A formal cap rail will be fitted at that point: With 28 gun ports to complete on the gun deck as the next step, everyone gets a few days off without having to listen to me (try to keep the cheers at a minimum). I am almost caught up with PAGE ONE of Ben's log :D . Everyone stay well
  6. Makes us even The Alert is it. Can't wait. I LOVE cutters!
  7. Only have 38 gun ports to frame Popeye. Two down and 36 to go......now THAT'S enjoyment :D . WAYNE---- I feel like Sjors.......where's the Don't Like button
  8. Pressure is incentive Floyd. Thanks for all the comments. Every one of you guys and gals is a heavy hitter on here and I respect all of your work immensely. Patrick- Good luck on your end. To be honest though, I'm a baseball fan and, as a native New Yorker, I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Yankee fan.
  9. OK. I was wondering how you would work around all the deck furnishings. I know you have a dapper new crew but wow, that would have been something! Just a comment on holly. Check Rafine's Fair America. I'm sure he used holly on the deck and it's gorgeous. And I think Rusty J used it on the lower hull on his scratch Confed. Also beautiful. But it is VERY light to begin with....almost white. You might PM one of them to ask how it takes a finish. So this is for a new project. I assume you're thinking of another battle tested, salty old gal. After looking closely at your photos, I lean toward 'B' with 'E' a close second. But it's very subjective. I think 'F' is just too gray and uneven (I like a certain symmetry). Great idea making the mock ups Frank. Just keep in mind how it will look on a larger area. Remember how neat that Avocado paint chip looked back in '66.....BEFORE you painted the living room. Thanks for asking... but you're the Captain (um.......Lt. Commander)
  10. Good to see her underway again, JP. I've been trying to keep my sessions a reasonable length so as not to try and do too much. I believe it's helping with consistency and quality. We all work differently. Gee, treenails would sure look good on the gunwales. Keep 'em small (unlike simulated keel bolts)
  11. Thanks gents! I enjoy framing......it's all the rest of the stuff I stink at. Lots of carpentry left on this lady I keep thinking of Ben's log where he gets out to something like page 75 and discovers he's 1/264 " short somewhere and saws off the stern with a circular saw for a total do-over. I don't have that saw :D
  12. Time for a small update. The quarter deck sills and lintels are now completed. After straightening out the 'glitch' from the last session (Igor ------ more isopropanol!!!), I used 3/4" spacers to set the sills. This worked quite well: Once that was completed, I added the top rail which defines the height of the gunports . These will be 6 pounders and required a 5/16" spacer and some sanding/beveling of the upper tips of the bulkhead 'horns'. Did a little more fairing and removed the temporary protective timbers off the horns. We will now be moving on to setting the uprights on all the gunports. Chuck has provided a template for this (bless him). Oh, we are 100 hours into the build
  13. Arrgh ! There aint no strings on a fully rigged ship . Rope, when turned into rigging, becomes 'lines'.
  14. Time is of no importance. Patience is. As well as learning and improving with each day. ENJOY YOURSELF!!!!
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