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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. looking good KP it takes the sheer beauty of the sails to bring them around that's what I love most about this Revell series, they build to really nice looking models.
  2. OMG Kevin....she's beautiful! so glad you stuck with it and finished her a truly awesome ship........I'll have to see her in the gallery
  3. thanks Bob. there isn't much sag because I try to make the standing rigging more taught than the running rigging. to dissect the roles that rigging plays the shrouds do {I believe} about 80% in maintaining the erect centering of the masts. the stays maintain the forward pull, where the back stays provide the backward pull, giving a sort of tripod support for the masts. plastic models display the rigging.......the stays, merely tied to the associated mast. coming here on the site, I've gotten to see how the stay rigging is actually done....routed through a block and then down to an adjustable pulley assembly, at deck level. having these blocks from the Revell kits, enabled me to try this out on the model. I really like how it looks.......and it's a lot more plausible than what is seen in the plastic model. I arrived with a formula for finding absolute zero. all thread has different amounts of stretch. take a piece in your fingers and pull it tight.......then loosen it gradually, until it starts to become limp. repeat the test and study the tension.....at the point where the thread begins to go limp.....that tiny window in between is absolute zero. standing rigging should be a little tighter than that......the running rigging should be at zero. I used to have that problem too.......but using this formula, it's worked out much better. ideas and methods that I gleaned from here have also helped. thanks for the good word thanks Russ and EJ for the likes
  4. I'm not a big fan of using CA for rigging.........for the very reason you see in some of the pictures. it seeps down the thread and makes it stiff and hard to shape. for most of the rigging, I used white glue. I ran into a bit of trouble with the spanker sail........punching holes in the wrong edge. I took the one out of the Flying Dutchman kit to replace it.........I'll either trim the other sail, or fish around in the box of sails for something that will work {I have an abundance of these sails from the Cutty build}. of course the angle of the gaff didn't match the original sail and I compensated for it......but I also forgot to do this with the replacement sail. no harm though, cuz I was able to do it. I added a single block on the upper step of the main mast for the upper mizzen stay sail. as I did with the main mast stays, I will do with the mizzen stays, tying a double block to each one of them. they came out just as well too I did the mizzen back stays before rigging these two. the running rigging needs to be done, in regards to the spanker sail. eye bolts were added on both bulwarks, and one was added to the rudder. after I add two more eye bolts, I can ad the monkey chain. and this is where I leave off again. there one more stay sail to hang, and then I can move on to the yards........eight of them....seven will have sails. more soon! thanks for look'in in
  5. time for an update I've been busy with the standing rigging......it's been interesting, since the masts are pretty flimsy. getting them so they are not contorted out of shape has been a trial, but I've done a reasonable job of it. where I left off was with most of the standing rigging done on the fore and main masts.......the mizzen had suffered a set back, with the spanker gaff breaking off. the build stand I made is working out very well, in keeping the ship stable and upright......I've been able to go a lot further. the first thing to be done, was to cement the spanker gaff back in place. I had to use the lift rigging to help with holding it in place as it dried. while this was drying, the sails were sewed to the bow spirit yards and they were cemented in place. it's been quite some time since I dealt with plastic sails.......they came out well. the jib sails were cut out, along with the main stay sail, and these too were tied and rigged into place. it can be seen that the spanker gaff was dry enough to complete the lift rigging. the mizzen wasn't out of the woods yet though.........one cuff later, and one of the shrouds became dislocated underneath. I had to wait till all cement points were dry, so I could remove all the clothes pins and repair it. the mizzen stays and back stays have wet to be done anyway, so that will get pushed back for a little while. I need to add a couple more lines to the bow, as well as the anchors.
  6. the hull's look'in really nice ........having never worked with paper before.....I'd be a lost puppy did you have any luck with the gray touch up paint?.......you mention here that you have the red dialed in. mak'in some good progress here
  7. my Cutty copy doesn't show blocks associated with the sheet lines, which tie off on the port side #55, #56, #56A......just a line tied to the stay sails. do keep in mind though that these instructions don't show all the lines......there are duplicates for the opposite side. this is why I have all these extra block to play with on the Jolly Rogers...I forgot about this face when I did the Alabama. looking on the starboard side, there are three pins in the same place on the pin rack, but they are not numbered. in some cases on the instructions, they will give you the number of the opposite line {pin}.
  8. were you going to use them for the breech ropes? you could use eye bolts or even cleats, since it sounds like they aren't going to do the job.
  9. good to see you back in the saddle Sjors........I'm sure your builds have missed you too
  10. looking good KP.........yea, the sails can be very brittle, the older they get. I used the missing parts request for some replacement sails for my second Cutty........I got two of the three sheets. Revell had stopped doing it in the US {last I knew}......but Revell Germany might still be doing it. check your instructions though, but the sheet lines shouldn't be on the same side. I think one should be tied on the starboard side, and the other end tied on the port side. I've still got the rigging sheets for the Cutty........they should be the same.
  11. Jerry!...so good to see you've returned so sorry to hear that you've had a few set backs.......hopefully there are calmer seas ahead. La Nina's looking good......you've done some real fine work there. Charlene did a nice job on the sails.......I've done some experimenting with embossing sails.......I used my decal maker and printer {I suppose photo shop could be used instead} but yea.....ran the cloth right through my printer! came out really goo too. https://wenzelswharftips.wordpress.com/2014/04/29/embossing-sails-part-1/ you can read through ......figured you might get a kick out of it so glad to have you back........say hello to Charlene for me
  12. sorry I didn't get back last evening.........I had supper and Zonked out. .....tough day at work these two pictures were taken before the camera decided it needed a recharge. I was at my desk, so the pictures may not be too good. the blocks work well.......here is the what the lower one looks like.......the bottom main stay is doubled and will look thicker that all the rest. the stay will terminate with a pulley assembly at the base of the fore mast......like this... then I realized that doing the stays in this manner, would be too much for the mast trees.....causing them to bend very easily. I had to add the back stays to help me out. later, it ended up on my table.....I had to stand to better run the rigging. I didn't take too many pictures...feeding the camera.......but I ended up with this bit of progress. here's a better shot of the main stay rigging. .....and the pulley assemblies associated with them. the mizzen will only have this one stay that is done this way.........it's not tied off yet. the other blocks you see will be devoted to the braces. there is one other stay that I need to add to the mizzen........I may do it this way as well. this is the standing rigging ......so far. I will do the rest when I get back to her. then I can start the running rigging thanks for looking in thanks for the good word Piet........and thanks to those who hit the like button
  13. thanks you Zoltan....I don't do much in the way of weathering. I usually look at it the next day, and clean it up. I'm such a tidy whitie person it has worked out great though......I'm able to hide all the glue marks and stuff with it thanks for the good word! FRANK!!!!! so nice to see you! I was sitting here one day......and thought to myself that I hadn't seen you around...I started to get concerned. I'm not a big fan of "in your face' book....but I thought I'd give it a try. one of these days......I'll have to get SKYPE working, so we can chat! I'm glad you like the build....for an odd duck, it's coming along OK. {I changed a few things} hope to see you more ....your such a nice person thanks for the likes........I have a couple of pictures, but I have to run out at the moment........I'll be back!
  14. thanks Daniel........all that is, is diluted flat black enamel. once diluted to a point, it becomes a wash.......how much you dilute it, will give you different degrees of appearance. along the dead eyes and around the chains is very diluted....the chains themselves, not diluted much at all. although I did want the copper look to show through a little. thanks for the good word.......and thanks to all who hit the like button not much to report so far....the stand is working great! but with what I'm trying to do with the rigging, I'm finding that the mast trees are not very strong. I was hoping to wait on the back stays, but I'm having to do them at the same time as the other stays. update soon......thanks for look'in in
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