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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. the clew/sheet lines were rigged.......it wasn't till I rigged the lower and top sail braces, that I realized I forgot to photog the steps. so I took 'em...focusing on the groups. first the clew/sheet lines. then the braces......I like how the blocks show up in the rigging I'm done just in time to take Gibbs out...........time to appease the carpet monster
  2. thanks Frank and Patrick.......humidity can be a problem here.....with the way we move between temps. in the morning, I noted a lot of sag........but by the afternoon, it was gone. this morning, it's back, but not as bad. I'll just continue rigging, keeping it in mind thanks for all the likes as well.....I'll get 'er done sooner or later
  3. that kind of distortion is normal.......the trick is not to have so much. remember.....running rigging is not as taught as the standing rigging.....especially if sails are not to be added. try to loosen up on the line just a tiny bit......allow some pull. push on the block to set the thread for the least deflection, and put a tiny dab of white glue where the line goes through the block. it will help in countering the pull when you terminate the line. it will give a sort of 'push me, pull you' effect. I've done this in extreme cases.
  4. not only that Carl, but there may be someone out there, that is stuck on some small bit of detail. a well documented build is very useful in that respect. I try, but I miss the mark too.....I forget. sometimes, I even feel the same way....especially with rigging, when there gets to be quite a bit done. fantastic looking ship Craig........you folks are tempting me so badly......I've forgotten how super these ships look
  5. superb ship Greg! very well done your weathering and PE experience is top notch! will definitely follow your next project.....a joy to watch you bring plastic to life
  6. I'm looking for wasa builders in the archives........I found these for you so far.
  7. the best window frame maker I know is Dirk {dubz} his window tutorial start around page 10.........but I think you'll enjoy the entire log
  8. small progress here..........side tracked with thongs to do 'round here and humidity. haven't had this much of a problem with it here......but it has been play'in hell with the rigging. we all know what happens when additional lines are belayed with it going on.........sag but I've done my best to thwart it as I've gone along. all of the sails are on the model now......that's a plus.....now it's time to rig them up. the fore mast clew lines are set to be belayed. with the main sails, as they were cemented in place, the lifts were rigged, but not belayed. ....the main course sail..........and then the top sail lifts. the top gallant yard was straightened out, after it's bout with the carpet monster.......sewn........and added to the model. just a hint of damage is all that's left. it's lifts were added too.. once the lift lines are terminated, the clew/sheet lines will follow, and then I can work on the braces. then the tack lines and the anchors.......and that should put the finish on her. I find myself doing what I usually do during my visits here..........working on the model, while browsing. I'm getting the best of both worlds, although one can be much more tedious than the other I have done the main mast clew/sheet lines and started on the braces. I also find that I had better look to see if the admiral has any more of this tan thread in her sewing box, because I'm running out. more updates in a bit
  9. to remedy the finger print issue, I've found it useful to spray it with a flat lacquer. metallic paint can be very unforgiving, since it never fully cures to a hard finish. be glad your not dealing with silver........it's the worst aircraft models benefited from this technique as well.
  10. great to see your back at it Mark.......super job on the carriages.......the death star is up to snuff
  11. there are plenty of small kits you know...........don't stop even if you just poked at it here and there.....you could continue to enjoy what you love
  12. I am so sorry to hear Denis.........usually I look in on your projects, but this one seemed to have slipped by my radar. do they know what it is? my fingers are crossed for you.......and your in my thoughts! get well soon my friend!
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