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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. glad to see you've returned Nils...........and what a great way to start! the mast looks awesome.......and since I last posted {but forgot to hit the post button}, you've added more very nice work Nils!
  2. how do you expect us to learn anything, if you keep raising the bar..........they are sooooooooo awesome!
  3. with something that ornate Mark.....I'd glaze all three. as you were narrating earlier, I had the thought of simply looking at her from the stern and gauging the hull lines......that would give you an idea of how much they jut out. I see you already did that well played orange
  4. I did the first step with the deck treatment today, but I needed to get to that point first. I began with the fore deck, cleaning up the helm room.......squaring the windows and sanding. I want to cement the two structures together, but I had to mark the decks where these structures are located. now I have the tracing done........cement away! while I was at it, I fleshed out the hold for the main deck. it will be sanded and primed later on. now...to plank the fore deck. it didn't take me too long to do it.....I didn't do any calking or butt staggers. with what I'm going to do, I won't need to because there is a very good chance that it will never be seen. the fore deck is done. I haven't gotten around to paint the helm room yet.......I should have for this next photo. I had to find and re drill all the holes for the railings.........clearly, I have assembled them too soon. with the primer that I had decanted earlier, I painted the unplanked area where the helm room is to be located. the rest of the dash was added to the helm room.......a hole was pre drilled for the ship's wheel. I took it to the porch to paint it with the primer......and that blasted can of primer wouldn't spray! I couldn't get it unplugged, so I'll end up decanting the rest of it........in the meantime, I brush painted it. the fore deck will be lightly sanded at this point in time. it came out pretty good........almost too good for what I'm about to do. here goes nothing
  5. thank you all very much! thanks also for all the likes thanks Mobbsie.........I do have to be careful. if I keep going like that, I might as well put my plan B into motion, and let this one leave the fold like the Andrea Gail did. actually, it's not a bad idea.......a lot of the thoughts I've been having takes this ship away from the holiday theme. I'm beginning to think that I can't domesticate the wild thanks Bob...that a heck of a nice compliment for this northeastern landlubber thanks John and Lawrence......I guess there is beauty in the simpler things. I wanted to give it a bit more shape, but at the same time, I didn't want it to eat up too much of the fore deck. there is more to add......there always is.......I've filled in the edges and need to sand it a bit more. I also want to add 'deck texture'........you'll be seeing this very soon
  6. Patrick.......those last few pictures say it all.........a truly splendid vessel indeed! so cool to see this project grow to what she looks like now.....you've done a great job!
  7. sweet work on the compass.....another bit of detail for the layout!
  8. I think the best thing to do is get an idea of what class of vessel it will be...then look up the type of rigging for that particular vessel. the basic rigging for that vessel, will give you the ideas to modify it to your vessel. whatever sheet you plan to raise will need the rigging for it's function. you may elect to run a second fore stay.........lash your jib sails to them. I love your configuration....very unique! well done
  9. the trick is though..........to get one finished there's no time limit.........go at your own speed. you done some really sweet looking gems in the past.......I see no reason why this one will be any less I look forward in seeing more progress on her.
  10. .......oh, that......you have me confused. I was commenting on someone else's build. perhaps one of these days I'll get up the nerve to build a vessel that large. for now though, I'm content with the projects I have going.........I have several here. this hobby is so addictive.......when I first started, it got my mind going in so many directions....it was insane! so far, I've been able to move around my builds, doing a little here and a little there. I hope to see this build finished with no hands jumping ship I wish you well
  11. there's a lot to consider when modifying a plastic kit in this manner. I had a dickens of a time setting up the wood decks for my United States....but now that I've done it, I'm quite happy with it. I've built this kit before {many years ago}. of course, I've never been a fan of how these deck sections go together. you've got a good idea going.........keep at it my friend, you'll find the solution
  12. Agree with everyone else Jesse........sealed and painted, the barrels will have the smoothness of brass. great job.........your doing well in spite of how you feel........strength and determination I hope you feel better soon. totally impressed
  13. well.....you want to correct some of it.......after all, your teaching them something that will last them a lifetime I applaud what you and your crew are doing.......I think its wonderful......and your coming out with a great build to boot! wish I could have done this with my two boys.......sadly, the interest wasn't there. I'm enjoying the build.......be proud of your ship mates
  14. she looks awesome with her standing rigging! she fitting out nicely have a great vacation
  15. it is as it is with everything else.......you may order the timber to build the house, but you'll always find yourself at the yard buying more your choice of color is super.......images you may find will show them with many different schemes. I do it a lot myself.......jumping around building the sub-assemblies...in the end, it will all come together. when that happens, you'll feel good.......you'll see how much progress you've made {in a very short amount of time}. your doing a fine job!
  16. she's looking great. I'll have a my hands full trying to get mine to look as good as yours.....when I get 'round to building her
  17. very interesting........I was under the impression that she had a steel hull. I used to watch his show as a youngster......as well as the mutual of Omaha 'wild Kingdom. the model still looks great after all this time nice
  18. thanks for the kind comments and the likes. I'm going to partition the back section off.......I'll put in some round portholes {I need to see how many I have left}. there more to be added to the structures.......first, to get them cemented together. I will keep them removable for the time being. I thought of that as a funny answer Carl........you beat me to the punch
  19. Nawwwwww, I takes me spinach'k raw! Akk-k-k-k-k-k---k-k--k! so you know about the garlic? my whiffle hen died I've seen these in kit form........but a scratch built one will be even more interesting!
  20. I was going to write a scenario such as that! figured I'd better quit while I was ahead yes.....there are many factions of elves.......woodland elves, etc.........I would imagine that there was a community that lived near water. "Sheloi !" {elven greeting}........you are one imaginative Tellor {human} !
  21. I think it's like a mission ship.......or perhaps a ferry {imagination and dream inserted}. I've played a few roll player games that involved elven lore....kinda contradicts the dictionary description.......but anyone who has played the game Divine Divinity....the game defines them as a race. as depicted, elves are mischievous......such as the fabled Loki. I'm sure Keith has a concept going I like your use of shapes here Keith........well blended together with the use of angles. the deck layout is very unique. really looks super!
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