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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Ah... this model is NOT one of the first frigates. The AL kit is a fraud. We had a total system crash back some years and lost everything so this is actually a kit bash. As I explained way back early on, what sits in Baltimore, which the plans were taken from decades ago, is the sloop of war from 1854. There were some shenanigans pulled when they acquired her to make everyone belief this was one of them. Drop the following into Google (minus the quotes) and you see what I mean: "fouled anchors the constellation question answered". Given that the plans for the orginal frigate have gone missing, there's really no plans to build the first Constellation. I was disheartened to find that out, but such is life.
  2. About halfway down the homepage, you'll see this: https://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/forum/9-members-build-logs/
  3. No... not really. The bulkhead (POB) kits usually use plywood or similar and about the only decks to be built are the gun deck and upper decks fore and aft. Look at Chuck's Winchester (link below) as an example or almost any AL kit as examples. A POF would be like my Licorne and probably 80% of the scratch builds. POF more closely resemble actual practice and allow everything below decks to be done. Other than the Orniada I don't recall any of the Lumberyard's Hahn sets being precut for the frames. Bob Hunt (Lauck Street Shipyard) did some that fully framed. I've attached a link for one of those build.
  4. As is my ilk, I tend to research, think, then jump right in. My next step is the ship's boats. I've been looking over the plans and sorting out to do this with out making a dog's breakfast of it. For the cutter and the barge (the two smaller boats) I'm going to use a modified jig. The longboat will be built around the plug that I already have made. This may change once I really get into things. Basically, I have a couple of old ME ship's boat kits.. a 5 inch and one that appears to be 6" (by their definition). To make a long story short, I took their instructions and modified the heck out of the plans and the thus, new parts, which I've drawn up and cut on the laser using boxwood for the keel, the stern, and first frame. The only seats will be the fixed ones at the rear and bow. I'll decide on what goes in this boat once I get it put together. But, historically, everything was removed, rudder, oars, the benches the rowers used, etc. and stored in the hold. The other two will be the same since the boats were stacked n the gundeck. The picture shows the keel with the stern structure and also the first frame. The stern structure gets planked externally first before doing the strakes. The frame has been modified for the forward "seat" instead of a bulkhead as some boats (other navies) had. As soon as I get the forms added to the build board, I'll start install the keel and start planking. Looks to be another small (size) fun part of the build.
  5. Hello Marc, Welcome to MSW. I would suggest that by all means, open a build log in the kit area. You'll get help and encouragement for your project.
  6. POF = Plank on Frame (like the actual ships were built. POB = Plank on Bulkhead which is the way almost all kits are.
  7. In close, the main sails would have been not furled as that took some time but brailed up to get them out of way. The other sails would be used for maneuvering during the battle.
  8. Paul, Most of the Lumberyard (but not all) are a pile of wood to cut into blanks, assemble, then cut the frames. As for pre-cut framing... other than the Oneida mentioned and one that Chuck is exploring to make, I'm not sure there any. Many of the center section kits are however.
  9. I should also add that there's several cross-section type models (not the whole ship, just the center sectin) out there.
  10. Hi Paul, When you say "already prepared" what are you meaning? Cut out? Fully set up and the frame just needs installing like the bulkheads on a POB?
  11. It's great to see that you're still building her,Giorgio. I hope it's just life that gets in the way and nothing's wrong.
  12. Thanks Phil. That helped immensely. You're doing a great job on this build and on the log. Very informative.
  13. According to this... https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/164103/if-li-ion-battery-is-deeply-discharged-is-it-harmful-for-it-to-remain-in-this-s deep discharge isn't a good thing.
  14. Hmm... I checked the CD... The aft deck is a poop/quarterdeck raised up from the fore/main deck. There's no decks below these. The Halifax is the same way. So you're spot on, sir. Which basically means they're refurbished cargo vessels with a large open hold....
  15. Kurt, Do you know what kind of battery it has? That will make a difference as to whether drain it completely or being able just partial discharge and recharge.
  16. Phil, As a suggestion, can you post larger pictures? These old eyes (and I'm sure others have them) a have tough time seeing the detail in them. Thanks,
  17. They're on tinypic.com, Carl. I've not had a problem seeing them so... <shrugs> Try pinging it and see if the site responds as there might be some "restriction" somewhere.
  18. Hmm.... I'm a bit behind here... pictures of the nuptials for those of us unable to attend? I'm raising a toast....
  19. The old saying true then... "There will be blood.". I've cut myself more than once with the kitchen knives.. and hobby knives.. and just about anything sharp. Follow Princess's advice.
  20. Welcome to MSW, Mark. Just take your time, ask questions. Oh.. open a build log as it's the best way to get help and you'll be having folks looking over your shoulder.
  21. So the hull narrows in the middle and that narrowing is coverage by a facade? Did I interpret that correctly? <low whistle> Holy cow.
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