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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. I recall there's also some video of firing a gun from the Vasa era. A rather big brute but all things considered, the recoil wasn't that violent in that the gun didn't buck or jump... just rolled backwards. There's also a video or two of a gun being fired in the desert (strange place) at a mockup of the Constitutions hull. Yes, I'd love to see some video of a 32 lb gun.
  2. Nice work, Greg and great problem solving skills. That must have a bear to put together.
  3. Here's a pic of the one that the wood work and brick work are completed in "extreme" closeup. I see that I need a bit of touch up paint.. hmm.. missed that I did when I effected repairs after the glue pulled the paint off. And there's dust all over it. I took the picture outside so there's some "hotspots"... Needs the two brass pots and also the top with chimney. I bought the brass to today so I'll start pushing my envelope tomorrow or as soon as the other fireplace is done. These are more of a test to push myself harder. I'm not unhappy with them.... just realize I need to push a bit harder.
  4. Looks good, Lou. Keep going. The problem with these serious kit bashes is you suddenly wake up one morning, and realize that "don't need no stinkin' kits"... and get sucked into the darkside. It's not so back here.... good refreshments, warm buttered popcorn, and deep appreciation of what others go through but all in a good way.
  5. So the wedding is this weekend???? I missed that part. Have something tall, cold, and alcoholic once the ceremony is over. Both of you two. You deserve it. I've seen projects like that. Maybe it's time (if you haven't already) called in the customer and said..."pick one". If they pick one of the those that you're not working on, change the billing and the deadline...
  6. Nice work, Jim. With ratlines and treenails are both something we shouldn't ever count because we really don't want to know how many we did.
  7. In real life, the bricks already are dark and dirty looking. I'll try to get photo in natural light as the flash seems to have lightened them up.. or I have a camera problem.
  8. Smart man you are on naming her, Peter. Great looking model.
  9. A couple of questions.... Is the grain straight. If not, it will break. Soak and then heat (I use an old curling iron). Repeat as needed to get the bend you want. It is possible that the wood is just too dry to be used.
  10. I think that's normal for our work. Cut, go "yuck" and sand until it looks good.
  11. Copper, of course. I might be a masochist, but I'm not that bad yet... then again, model ships.. hmm..
  12. You are a true artist, Merchen. What I've seen would rival any carvings in any museum, ship museum or otherwise.
  13. There's lots of pics here: https://www.google.com/search?q=khalilah+yacht&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjog6Wk0c_aAhWDwVkKHdeUDmsQ_AUICigB&biw=1337&bih=769 Google is our friend. Sometimes.
  14. Mike, the cherry might just work very well. It does darken with age in the rich deep, I'm not sure I can call it red but it is beautiful I've used it and with the right woods for contrast, it works well.
  15. Hi Patrick You didn't miss it as I never mentioned it. It's model railroad brick wall. Appears to be a vacuum formed sheet of plastic. I tried making bricks but they were just too darned tiny. Each one is 1 inch (25mm) wide, .75 inches (20mm) deep and .625 inches (15mm) high.
  16. Since I'm working on the fireplaces, here's a picture now that the iron bars the pots sit on have been installed. I still have the exterior to plank and the pots to make. The flash made them redder than then actually are as they're more of a red-brown or rust color. I wanted them to look like they had been used.
  17. Unpainted PE? Won't someone think of the poor sailors who'll have to polish it every day?????? Ok..just being a butthead. So far, so good.
  18. Interesting, Jerry. Is it possible that the 1892 version was "test"? I would think that anything sliding up or down the mast like rope ring would have a problem with the rings around the mast. I looks like there are from the picture, but with these eyes, I could be wrong.
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