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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Dave, Looks like a plan. As for the hammock goodies... hold off as long as possible as they will be in the way during rigging. Not saying build them now while you have room to work on fitting, etc. but hold of installing until the rigging is done.
  2. Ah... updated the buoy in the process. Looks super. Do the solar panels generate any electricity for the lights/horn/bell???? Just kidding...
  3. Good looking pump and it works which is a bonus. As for handle length... it might look too long to the eye but how does it measure up to full size?
  4. Piet, This is beyond a powerful and moving narrative. I want to hit "like" because of closure and your work on Java.... yet... I can't "like" it. Maybe it's the word choice "like". I do want to thank you for strength to share with us and I'm glad that you got your answers and have come to piece with those answers. Very mixed emotions from all this I must admit...
  5. Thanks for the likes, the comments and the following along on this adventure. The first 12 guns are installed on the port side with their breeching ropes. The traversing tackle is waiting for some Chuck Blocks. I've drilled the holes and installed the eyebolts for the when the traversing tackle needs to be moved to pull the guns in manually along. Also installed were the eyebolts for securing the ship's boats. Holes have been drilled for more eyebolts for the mainmast running rigging. Those are also on hold until the blocks arrive as I'm not about to try to rig blocks to the eyebolts in place. The breeching has been seized to the eyebolts but instead of the two seizings shown in various references, I only did one. My eyes have begun crossing... and I have the starboard side to do yet. There's a couple of guns not quite in perfect alignment with the rest but I can live with that. I'm holding off on the deck furniture until all the guns are installed and all the gun tackle is installed. I'm not going to go through the "oops, broke something" any more if I can avoid it. For those keeping score... three carriages were broken in the pursuit of installing them and re-made from the extra parts I made. Fragile little things they are. Anyway, enough of my blathering on, here's the pictures.
  6. I am in awe of this build, Kevin. You're details and improvisation of parts is wonderful to watch.
  7. This is terrible news. I pretty much agree with Jan. Maybe.. put the wood pieces in a 250 (F) oven for a hour but that's pretty radical and unpredictable. The what happens when it dries is a real wildcard.
  8. I'm going to ignore the 2mm blocks on the guns. I've ordered 3mm and 4mm blocks from Chuck. I hope the 3's work but I'll with the 4's if I have to. What ever's left over will used for rigging (along with another order to Syren. Very slow going at present so no pictures or updates until the cannon are in place and rigged.
  9. Could you make your own blast bags? Maybe a clay? The Bismarck is really coming together well and you're doing a great job.
  10. Hi Mario, Looks like a good plan coming together. I do have question on the transom pieces. Is there a reason for not preshaping the exterior of them? Looks to my like you'll have a lot of sanding and shaping to do on them. Maybe I'm wrong and missing something here.
  11. I hope the only thing you hurt in your fall was your dignity. Atalanta doesn't look any worse for the battle damage. If you hadn't told us, we never would have known.
  12. Quincy, Welcome to MSW. I'll go along with what Chris said about a build log and the tutorials.
  13. Not sure if this can help but do you have any other plans for the rigging? These all appear to be the same sheet. I'm winging it but B0 appears to be the bowsprit. The rest appear to be as you sorted out based on size. Edit: Appears I was staring at the prints when Jim posted. Aeropiccola is Italian so that might help. If the text is in Italian, then Google Translate is your friend... but with the usual caveats that it's not a perfect translation.
  14. I've been using thin (very thin) CA to stiffen the block before drilling. Seems to work for me.
  15. MS is pretty good about things like this. I'll keep my fingers crossed you can get the plans.
  16. What company produced the kit? Go ahead and sent them an email or call. Some companies are very good about sending out replacement parts and plans.
  17. Great idea and follow up. The rounded one would work inside the hull.... which is a very fiddly thing to sand.
  18. Maybe drinking from a garden hose explains a lot about our ages and our chosen hobby?
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