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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. If the pins/nails are just used for holding planks in place while gluing, here's I've finally settled on after trying other types of clamps, nails, etc.... Office pushpin. Drill a hole off to the side of the plank such that the pin fits snugly... not tight, and not loose. When done, just pull it out. No damage to the plank. See photos... and please excuse the mess... this is still work in progress.
  2. Rob, Have a look here: http://www.thurstonmfg.com/cut-off-saws.html They might even have a UK distributor. I've seen their blades listed by other companies and I've also bought direct. I don't what VAT and shipping would add, though.
  3. Jesse, Testor's used to make a "wood" color that worked well as a base. Then with dry brushing you can some detail to give it a wood appearance. I haven't seen it but then again, I haven't been looking for it.
  4. Sometimes, you just get lucky... Which leads to great news. Congratulations, Clare.
  5. All I'll add at this point is that she is on opiates and trying (always to get off). She has more issues than what's been mentioned but the list is extensive. The lady is tougher than any 10 Marines I've ever met and at the pain clinic she didn't minimize like she usually does. We're working our way through this. I'm damn glad the wood is patient. Been trying to get another strake done today and wood just sits there looking at me...
  6. Thanks for the comments and well-wishes. Janet is just dealing some deterioration of various bits and pieces in her back and some congenital issues. Not life-threatening but very painful. After going through 3 back doctors who said "there's nothing we can do", she's working with a pain clinic. We're in the early stages of this so we'll see where it goes. Yes.. I'm also acquainted with the one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest. :P
  7. That does seem to be the way it works. 3am and the brain fires off a broadside that can't be ignored....
  8. It's good to see that you've returned, Jim. I'm looking forward to seeing more on this project.
  9. I found these also: http://newlinedesigns.co.uk/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=122_141&sort=20a&page=2&zenid=6158c1280ca2607c088597a758e7cfc4 If you Google "28mm naval figures" (without the quotes) there's a lot of links with a wide range of prices, finish, and quality.
  10. Hi Chris. Thanks for good words and the look-see. Inspite of the setbacks and slow going right now, it's still fun and relaxing.
  11. That "door".... uh-- yes.. As I recall, the museums drawings were done in the 70's based on early research. At that point, they still thought the paint was blue and the figures were gilded. It could be that the plans haven't been updated. That might just be a ventilation hole cut in after the ship was raised... I'm not sure but then, I'm no expert. You might email the museum and ask. Include what you've given us. Fred Hocker and there's another gentleman who's name escapes me are good about helping out modelers on this kind of thing.
  12. Hmm... constructive criticism.. I see skills!!! The lids look great and are mounted shipshape and in Bristol fashion. Keep up the good works.
  13. Good to see you found your way back, Robbyn. Welcome back home. Lovely workshop.. I like all the windows. You'll get back in the swing of things as it's sort of like riding a bicycle. You might fall once or twice and scrape your knee but you'll get the hang and the rhythm again.
  14. Hi Jeff, I've been busier than a one-armed wallpaper hanger in a windstorm. Dealing with some health issues of the Admiral's, getting the yard winterized... oh Licorne... yeah.. Slow going. Each plank is being spiled, bent, and fitted. Three planks per strake and I've done I think 25 strakes on each side. But the end is in sight for the main hull planking... 6 strakes on each side left. I'll do an update then. Then another after I sand and gap fill. The plan is for me to then turn attention to the stern, which should be fun. On side, I'm working up drawings for the cannon machining, carriages and quarter galleries. Fiddling with the ship's boat (first of 3) and also attempting, carving stern decoration (The Arms of France).
  15. Very impressive, Scott. Did you wait for glue to dry or just keep pressing on?
  16. Get Dafi's photo-etch it takes the Vic to a whole different level....
  17. Barry, Here's two links that should help, First Hobbymill's page on the saw (note that this info is good for other saws also): http://www.hobbymillusa.com/byrnes-saw-operation.php And Thurston's webpage for blades: http://www.thurstonmfg.com/cut-off-saws.html I don't have the Byrnes but the Thurston's that Jeff (Hobbymill) recommends are excellent and very reasonably priced.
  18. Ronald, Ask that here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/forum/47-questionsinstructions-on-how-to-use-and-post-to-this-forumsite-problems-or-suggestions/
  19. This is a fascinating history, Frolick. I hope you will continue....
  20. John.. there's this topic: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/11980-solidarity-with-paris/
  21. Maury, Check with John (Texxan5). I don't see them on his webpage but I imagine he can get them.
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