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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Those hinges look perfect from here, Michael. I like the way you made them. Fills me with ideas.
  2. Great jigs and setups. I'm learning a lot. I like the brass tube for turning round from square. Brilliant!!!
  3. I use a silicone spray... spray it on and then after it dries a bit, rub it with a cloth. I've also used Pledge furniture polish and that works well also.
  4. Rob, I'm just following along. I built this kit some years ago and ran into many of the same problems. I later found out that I did the colors wrong (new research) <sigh>. The tower problem goes back to the early days when they were taking the lines off and sorting things out. It's one of the few things Billings never corrected and apparently they did try to keep up with the research. They were the only company to do that which is why they were the "official" kit. I managed to fit the towers in but it was a problem and they are not straight by any means.
  5. "A bit too thick and wide". ????? I'm with the others Jay. Looks good from here. Would some touch up sanding in situ fix it?
  6. Welcome to MSW, Bill. What Chris and Augie suggested is very sound advice.
  7. That's a good question for which I have no answer. However, if you don't get an answer here, ask it up in the Research sub-forum. I think you'll probably get answers there since this area is more for specific questions about kits.
  8. Indeed... thanks for posting this SOS. Here's to all our brother Marines, past and present. Semper Fi.
  9. MIke, Go with what you're comfortable with. Alan's right... youi'll get better and probably faster the more you do.
  10. Mike, I use an X-acto saw blade.. there's several types and one that worked great is the one that looks like a #11 blade. That is the time saver. The filing and trimming is the time killer but that's part of the job, I guess. I didn't need to worry about an exact fit on the sills as I'm fully planking. I found that I got faster after a doing a couple of them. Still, it's not a project that can be rushed.
  11. The is an article in the Database here: http://modelshipworldforum.com/ship-model-rigging-and-sails.php that might help. If nothing else, it's a starting point. Hubert (Shipmodeling for Dummies) has some excellent methods also.
  12. Nice work on the gunports, Mike. They are a pain to do. And a little mess (or a lot in my case) is seemingly normal. What I did was cut on the lines for the waste and and then soak a bit with some rubbing alcohol. The wood separated at the joint and the waste removed. A clamp at top and bottom and let it dry. The glue re-grabs and holds. Then it's just a little cleanup. If you were using spacer blocks between the ports and completely planking, you could mark the ports and do this before mounting the frames.
  13. Well done, Nenad. Those houses will make Her Majesty proud.
  14. The only word I can find that hasn't been used is: Inspirational. I'm loving this.
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