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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Nice going on the deckhouse, Nenad. Sadly, work has to come first to pay the bills, etc.
  2. Looking good, Jeff. Small point for the next ship.... this is common among us and I don't know of anyone who hasn't done it like you did. The breeching for the guns should be long enough to allow the barrel on the recoil to come inside the bulwark. I've read that the length of the (total) of that rope should be about 2.5 times the length of the barrel. I think every kit on the market shows the breeching too tight.
  3. Hi Lou, I wish I could answer your questions, but I can't so I'll just say: "Welcome to MSW".
  4. All is well in the world again... Sjors is back in the shipyard. Welcome home, sailor.
  5. I gave in... it's ordered. Both of them. I'm still thinking ahead to the next project and was thinking something British (HMS Roebuck) or US (Raleigh) as I'm fond of ships that haven't been modeled much. BTW, this is a good price break by ordering early.
  6. Mike, There's plenty of places.. go back to here: http://modelshipworld.com/ and scroll down. On the right is a list of sponsors. One place may not have what you need or want but between them.. I think you can find just about anything. These sponsors have all been used by members. Disclaimer: I haven't used all of them.
  7. Mike, I'm probably not going to resist.... it's the building part. I have more on shelf than I could ever build.. but this one.. might be the most fun. I'm going to follow my own advice here.... "Give into temptation. It may only come this way once." :P
  8. Very cool, Jesse. I'll bet it looks great hanging on the tree this year.
  9. Mike, Wood choices are yours totally. Some use boxwood, cherry, ebony, holly, oak, basswood. Just whatever they feel comfortable it and is affordable. As for where.... Crown Timbers, The Lumberyard, for starters. You'll have to specify what sizes and quantities as I don't think they have a "timbering set" as such for the Triton.
  10. I find myself scaring myself when I look at that... tempting... very, very tempting. And an excellent discount for pre-ordering adds to that.
  11. Looking very ship-shape, Daniel. That's interesting about the bottles. One would think that for kit, they would use a bottle with a wide enough opening.
  12. Sweet work on the skylight. Have a good trip and congrats on the granddaughter.
  13. I think we've all been there on the improvisation, Erik. We shipbuilders seem to have adopted this motto: "Adapt, Improvise, Overcome".
  14. Jeff is right, Tom. If you're not sure and skip it, you'll look back later and wonder "why didn't I?". You still have time to decide. Make the other sails and let your feeling float to the top. Then go with them. Crikey.. I'm soundling like Yoda or Obiwan now....
  15. It's nice to see the cutter back "on the bench", Michael. I'm looking forward to what follows.
  16. Gunther is right... same stuff I get at my local hobby shop... but their name is on it. I have several tube of it in vary viscosities. Mostly it's getting old and hard as I don't use it much.
  17. I'm sorry to hear of your loss. As others have said, it's the memories that we have that are important now. I hope the memories are all fond ones and put a smile on your face.
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