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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Good wishes on the repairs. Clutch work on some cars is easy, others with front wheel drive, not so easy. If it's a good service shop, you'll get good work at a fair price.
  2. Hi Panagiotis, Beautiful work. I thought, from the detail that it was a lot bigger. To pack that much detail in that size is amazing.
  3. Those look like some sort of feed-through (for lack of a better term). The line would come down, feed through it and belay at the belaying pin. I'm thinking this because it looks like there's belaying pin holes in the rail above it. I could be wrong.
  4. Boris, Do some Googling on "Anatomy of the Ship" along with Endeavour. Depending on where in the world you are, you might find it close by or get it mail order with reasonable shipping.
  5. I've got the Proxxon FMZ and recommend it. I've also a small one from Lowe's but it's about to hit the trash as the Proxxon is so much better.
  6. I'm following along and all I can think is "just unbelievable". Wonderful work, Dan.
  7. There is a topic in this area... http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/4423-what-else-do-you-model-besides-ships/ Seems to pretty much cover what's wanted.
  8. Keith, Generally, "fair use" in copyright means you can so the cover and some of the content in a review. As long as you're not posting the whole thing, there shouldn't be a problem.
  9. It's great to see you back at it, Adam. In some ways this hobby is like riding a bicycle. You may not have done it for awhile, and you fall off the bike a few times, but you get yourself back on and then there's that magical moment.. it'll comes back and everything comes together.
  10. Burgundy? Maybe not so bad... drink a glass and paint a carriage. Seriously, sounds like that might work.
  11. I wouldn't call it a fiasco... It doesn't look bad from here. But, you're the builder and that might be the best thing for appearance since I thinking you want to match the spacing on the deck behind and above???
  12. Under no circumstances, EVER, tell the Admiral that you ironed wood. It'll be a short mental hop to ironing clothing. :D
  13. I think we west-coasters are already looking forward to San Diego. Hmm... 14 hours from Medord to San Diego.... doable. Keep calendar clear... doable. Overhaul and refit HMS Visa... doable.
  14. I'm smiling..as I feel that way to. With every step completed, it reveals two more complications. The joys of scratchbulding, right?
  15. Although it's probably not the best way as it crushes the wood.... here's a link on Google: https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=plank+bending+tool+models&tbm=shop The Latina is available at Tower Hobbies. Your best bet, might be to go here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&fromMainBar=1 There's two pages of topics on bending planks.
  16. You might try soaking them and the pressing them flat. I'd try sheet glass with weight, or a clothing iron might do the trick. It depends on the warpage and the thickness of the strips.
  17. Looking very good, Piet. I had to do a double-take on that bottom photo, though. I thought you were showing a real ship.... Ok... I'll get more coffee.
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