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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Thanks for looking in, everyone. I'm really loving this swiss pear for the planking. It's a dream to work with.
  2. Paddy, Since your jig is somewhat different then other jigs, the spreader at the top is an excellent idea. I think those of use who were early builders used the "Ewe Jig"... so the spreader was built-in. Most of us in the past did use spacer blocks up high and you'll be surprised at how they lock everything into place.
  3. Don, All the good explatives have been taken... I'll just say "WOW"!!!!!
  4. Michael, This build just gets more and more impressive everytime. Those beads are almost too perfect.
  5. Thanks Michael. I'm pretty happy so far since this is first single-planked hull I've done (and first scratch). Kevin, She's going to be completely planked by Admiralty Directive.
  6. Ron, Were you using "filler" or "filler putty"? Filler should dry hard. Filler putty never really sets up.
  7. Sanding, touch-up filling, and re-opening the gunports is just starting move along. I've hit it with 220 grit and I'll follow up with 320 and possibly 600 once the gunports are proper. I'm pretty happy with the planking so far. Photo is without flasha and colors look pretty close to what I see.
  8. John, Play a little Willy* as you roll out of town for us. Have a good trip and we hope to see some pictures. *To keep me ouf of trouble... Willy Nelson "On the Road Again".
  9. Richard, The Microlux Tilt Arbor does have a vacuum port. Hope this doesn't throw a monkey-wrench into things.
  10. Ian, Great looking stove. For bolts... cheat. I've seen people use drops of paint or CA (then painted) to simulate them. As for the snake... yikes!!!! We do have a thread around someplace about pets in the shipyard and havoc occasionally occurring.
  11. Tom, Another heavily weathered build just showed up.... http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/3052-cr-lamb-by-rail-and-tie-interaction-hobbies-187/ He's basically a railroad type and those guys do some serious weathering.
  12. Thanks Sherry for reminding me.... Caught by my own advice...
  13. Sance, When you post them and if you're selling them, please post in the Dealers and Traders Section. You'll get more folks looking at it. Thanks,
  14. Ron, Great looking ratlines. It's tedious and time-consuming but they add so much to build when done right. Yours are done very right!!!
  15. Grant, Fantastic looking blocks even If they are "proof of concept". I like the mods to the box.
  16. Augie, What can I say... besides what a great and fantastic build. I know you'll do a great job on Confederacy. And we'll try to keep moose, mice, popcorn, and assorted other topics away from her. So, here's the obligatory emoticons: and some fireworks
  17. Tarawa03, I can't answer your questions as I've not done this model. I'm sure someone else will. Have you given any thought to doing a buildlog? It's a ready made way to get help and answers. It will also leave a legacy for anyone else who buiids this kit. They'll see your problems and solutions.
  18. Thanks guys. Aldo, the pic shows a square section chain wale.... I think. And French ships had their differences.. <sigh> which is both wonderful and an aggrevation. It was pointed out to me here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/3032-chain-wales-and-gunport-linings-french-ship-question/ That others have seen the same thing... sometimes square, sometimes profiled. I'm pretty much decided on square-ish instead of carved for this wale. Meantime, back to sanding and squaring away the gunports....
  19. Actually, you're not taking up anyone's time... Research is a big part of scratchbuilding and kit bashing, so why not include it? It will certainly help anyone who follows and also, gives the rest of us some insight and possibly answers to our own questions.
  20. Hmm... she looks to be a clipper to my eyes. Might have a look at Cutty and Harvey builds for ideas on the missing bits and pieces. As for weathering... check the painting section and also, have a look at Sailcat's Cutty Restoration, Dafi's Victory, and Frank's Supply in the Kit Builds. Might give you some ideas. I know there's other builds doing serious weathering but I'm not finding them at this moment.
  21. Thanks all. That helps. I'm going to go with the square and not the carved profile. And also, unlined gunports. I suspect Druxey has the key as apparently things weren't completely uniform in France from shipyard to shipyard as they were in England.
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