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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Sweet, Kevin. Looks just perfect, both the garden and the ship. On the ship's boats, do some Googling. I think Hahn did some of that. As I recall, a bunch of the builders of Chuck's longboat use long rods for display. Puts it right up there in the air.
  2. I Googled it and all I saw was it was off the coast to the norh. Actually Thailand... ? I didn't get to Thailand, either. Still, I remember the airport at Kuala Lumpur, RAF Butterworth, and visiting a host of coconut plantations as well as a lot of sighting seeing and wandering around the capital. A marvelous 2 weeks. Maybe I ought to add another visit there to my bucket list?
  3. Looks good Adam. Sjors is right... we all make those mistakes that need hiding. Some can be hidden, others not. So we learn and carry on.
  4. Impressive work. Somehow I missed your return from the party.. my bad. I visited Malaysia way back in 1970 but never saw Koh NangYuen. My loss.
  5. I think you get the idea.. I'm excited for you... fishing and flying... Actually, it's all about your Syren. Looks super super great. You deserve some time on something else.
  6. Nice cannons and fenders. I miss a day or an hour and you speed right along. Nice work.
  7. Nice work, Bob. I notice the that steps have the "worn" look which is an interesting touch.
  8. Hamilton, Sweet.. love the open bulwarks. Line still look great from the photos. You're still doing Blanchford proud.
  9. Popeye, You had the third round of bad luck...now you can progress on the Goth without fear!!! So if it rains.. it's pours. May good luck now pour on you.
  10. Looks great, Ron. If and when you run out of things to do on this one, there's always the next one.
  11. Looks great, Christian. On the figurehead, I guess you could do a full paint job or make it look wood. I'm thinking just wood..... Worst case would be painting, decide you don't like it, strip off the paint and do it again.
  12. Ferit, I'm very impressed with your shrouds and deadeyes. On the color... the tar darkened with age. So new rigging wouldn't be black. I did my Wasa all in light linen and I like the way it looks. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work.
  13. Lovely and precise work Gary. You're moving the bar on us.... up of course.
  14. Chris, I've been following along as time permits and finally managed to get up to date. I'm not building along but you're doing a great job with this tutorial.
  15. JP, If you haven't done so, put a link to your post in the discussion about "Cleaning your ship" in the General Discussion. Interesting looking tool.
  16. Looking all trim and proper and good, Ben. I guess we'll just have to be patient..
  17. Clare, The planking is really showing off her lines. I'm following your research and the paths it's lead you down. The dropdown panels on the stern might possibly have been iron and all the way around. The Constellation (1854) had those all the way around the stern. Makes sense that you'd want the maximum field of fire. On the armament itself, there was an arms race going during the not-so-Civil War. It's probable that one or two of the intermediate configurations just didn't work out. A 50 pound Dahlgren would be a monsterous gun. They had planned a 110 pdr for the Constellation.
  18. Popeye, I'm doing about the same... the hot weather brought out the weeds in the lawn..<sigh> Plus fighting for time and sanity due to a mad crunch going on at work. I'm currently lining off the hull from the wale to the caprail to get a sense of the flow and lines as well as spacing. Nit-picky work but I think it'll pay big dividends later.
  19. Floyd, No anger from member of the Forum Police. Just a feeling that this is greatest site to be in and it's filled with good people helping other good people.
  20. Sweet looking gundeck with your special cannons. Have a good trip and see you when you get back.
  21. Wonderful work, Adriaan. The lights are the Pièce de résistance and make it something special. I'm surprised to hear the bar is now open.... I would have figured not until launch.
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