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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Sweet looking build, Mark Is that boxwood you used?
  2. Ask... and ye' shall recieve... Now that that's settled.. I'm going to watch the build...
  3. Self-control and tool buying? I didn't think those two terms could be used in the same sentence.
  4. Here... set this up somewhere convienent. I got it from Sjors so I know it will make plenty for everyone.
  5. Clare, Post your etching experience and issues here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/forum/19-metal-work-soldering-and-metal-fittings/ Let's see if someone not following the scratch logs has any ideas.
  6. Piet, Thinking to much often leads to really cool things. For a minute there, I thought you were going to say you figured out how to make the torpedo tubes actually fire... What you're doing looks very workable. Love it!!!
  7. I know you do, Bob. Just having a bit of fun. New projects are always tempting...
  8. Remco, Put those pictures in here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1940-other-hobbies-interests-or-pastimes-that-you-enjoy/ and then forget that I told you... :D
  9. Beautiful work, Bob. Now put the Essex down and step away from the box. We want to see Triton finished.
  10. Richard, The pathway is frought with peril and you overcome the perils... namely iffy parts and clamps. You're doing great!
  11. You know you got the towers right when the finials fit and yours are perfect. I think mine took three tries to get everything lined up right.
  12. Gnomes, spiders, whatever... You're doing a great job on those lines that can't be named.
  13. Good catch and good fix, Popeye. Another builder would have tossed the whole model at the point of "oops". Planking is still looking great.
  14. Frank!!!!!!!!!! Great to see you got some shipyard time in. The anchors look superb all weathered and used looking.
  15. Hamilton, 1) Generally speaking...yes. 2) The line feeds inboard through a hole lined with either lead or leather (depending...) and then (depending on the size and weight of the lid) may go to a set of blocks or just to a cleat. 3) It's my impression that the timbers rest or are attached to the stem. You might ask this in the Building, Framing, Planking and plating a ships hull and deck area.
  16. Max, Put the checkbook down. Make a cup/glass of your favorite beverage and sit back. Now ask yourself this: Where do I want go with this hobby? If it's kits then power tools are a waste of money. If it's scratch building, then kits are a waste of money. Then ask yourself: Where am I in the shipbuilding learning curve? If you're doing more and more scratch work and bashing, what tools will most useful for that? It's a growth process, I think. When you're ready for the big power tool, you'll know it and no one will convince you otherwise. if you're more kit oriented, go for the kit and put the money away until you need that "next thing".. be it tools, kits, or wood. Now I could tell you exactly what I'd buy, but it may not be what you'd want or need. Kinda' evil, aren't I?
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