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Posts posted by AON

  1. It was a very busy weekend and I didn't get to put in the time on the ship I had thought I might.


    After transferring/marking the four corners I filed and sanded one gunport.  Double checked it with my gauge which nearly slides in.  I fear if I work at it much more it might be too large.


    I then worked at a trial for the gunport upper cill using a piece of scrap hemlock.  The height thickness is 6" (0.094" or 2.4 mm).  I cut the length a bit longer and then placed in on a strip of rough sand paper to hold it in place while I sanded it from above using a sanding stick, checking the thickness with my caliper as I went along.  I wasn't worried about it being exact thickness, having it a wee bit thicker is better than too thin.


    I bevelled one end and it seemed to fit well but it could not be inserted because the piece was still too long.  I transferred/marked off the length and then sanded it down while bevelling.  I kept trying the fit until I had the length correct... but you can see the bevel is all wrong.


    I need to work at this to get a better fitting cill.  Once I figure this out I have the joy of the lower cill.  I will not shaped the port gunport until I get this one figured out.




  2. Regarding not enough clamps: I know the feeling well, even when you have enough they are the wrong size.


    Regarding fit and cockeyed: I am sure the actual ship was not perfectly symmetrical, and they had gaps by design that were stuffed to make her water tight. 


    Sometimes I believe we strive too much for perfection.  It is difficult enough just trying to be human.


    She looks beautiful to me.

  3. Thank you all for the encouragement.  After the slow go of it (too many irons in the fire... one being a four letter word - WORK), I welcome it all.

    I try to concentrate on others claims , it is not a race; treat every part as a model.  I hope I never loose sight of those words.

    As for fairing... dare I think of the time. It seems to be ages away but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

    I retire on November 30th so I like to think I'll have all the time in the world then.

    But alas the retired fellas in the modelling club tell me I'm wrong.


    Thank you for visiting.

  4. It was September 25th when I tore all the frames off back to the transom and filler pieces.

    Today is January 28th and I have finally caught up and installed one frame beyond with another set glued together and drying.

    It has been slow going.


    The gunport has been cut out, filed to size, checked with my port gauge and will be filed to receive the timbers (upper and lower cills) to finish it off as soon as I get the mating frame in and they have had time to set.



  5. Good morning all and thank you for the likes.


    Mark: those figurehead images you are looking at are the second figurehead made for the first ship.

    The first figurehead is described as: Before it was damaged the figurehead represented Bellerophon as a nude figure draped in a red cloak riding Pegasus, his right arm raised, holding a javelin. The horse’s wings were spread. (source: http://figureheads.ukmcs.org.uk/?p=1715 )


    On 14 July 1793, southwest of Scilly Isles HMS Bellerophon collided with HMS Majestic in gale force winds where she lost her bowsprit, foremast, main top mast, figurehead and cutwater was smashed.  The figure head was replaced with something a bit simpler as the Royal Navy was issuing orders to try and control the expense on ornamental carvings on the ships of the time.


    All that remains of the second figurehead of the first ship named Bellerophon, is the head seen in many photos, which was all that could be salvaged due to rot.




  6. Well, here we are in December and I'd like to say I'm caught up to where I was but it ain't so.

    I practised a bit with bevelling my chock joints in the cant frames and found a method that seems to work for me.


    First I sand the chock bevel with the table disc sander, table angled to get it set proper.


    Then my I mark off the depth on the futtocks.

    (I tried using my scroll saw with the table tilted but it only works on one side and not the other)

    I cut an angled relief to the line and then using a sanding stick file it down... bevelled, to near the line.

    Check the angle with the chock, all placed on the marble slab I stole from the kitchen to keep it flat.

    Then I finish with a file and sharpen the corner with a chisel.


    The figure (sailor) is my Grandfather.


    I have two frames together and made pieces for eight more.


    I hope to get caught up over the Christmas holiday.


    Looking ahead.... I've also been researching the original figurehead, for which there seems to be only a description but know sketches.

    Bellerophon on Pegasus with his spear.  I've signed up for a bird carving course at Lee Valley Tools in Niagara Falls, Ontario, in February, to help me try to carve my figurehead in the years to come.  I also purchased Bill Short's rotary carve techniques PDF Booklet "The New Carving Ornamentation for Ship Models" found on the forum home page bottom right hand side.  Seems I have reading to do also.  Might attempt rotary carving the other figures. But again that is years from now so I have time to become an expert... or possibly just good enough.






  7. There was a news article about a painting discovered of Nelson that hadn't been touched up.

    He didn't have an eye patch but was blinded in one eye and had a wicked scar above his eyebrow.


    Regarding tiny sailors on the model.  I've been thinking about one at the head on the seat of ease to help explain what those boxes are (seriously).





  8. This is where the 3D programs come in handy for templates of sheet metal work.

    If the outside of the hull were given a thickness (or thin-ness!) the program would create a flat view of true length as a pattern.

    Having said that, and knowing the build versus the plan are three different things, I'd like to think that I'd measure off the build and plot it as you're doing.

    Rough blanks and trim to fit.


    In the old pencil draughting days we'd calculate the distances and then create (plot) the flat (pattern) view.


  9. Good evening Tony,


    I have been researching the figurehead of the first Bellerophon as launched.


    All I can find is the following:  source - http://figureheads.ukmcs.org.uk/?p=1715


    "Before it was damaged the figurehead represented Bellerophon as a nude figure draped in a red cloak riding Pegasus, his right arm raised, holding a javelin. The horse’s wings were spread. All that remains is the helmeted head. The figurehead would have been painted white during its time in service. In 1814 the Navy Board approved more use of gilding and colours for figurehead decoration."


    The accident was on the 18th of July 1793, SW of the Scilly Isles where she collided with HMS Majestic in gale winds.

    Have you seen anything while you were researching.


    I see you have the representation of (I believe) the replacement figurehead.


    With all the rigging it is a busy area to have a full figure with a spear, horse and wings!

    bellerophon-figurehead original 1.jpg

    bellerophon figurehead original state library victori australia image H99.220(slash)1026.tif

    bellerophon-figurehead original 4.jpg

  10. Good morning Bob,


    I have just spent two days going through your build log yet one more time.

    Thank you very much for all the pics, build comments, details.

    I will be referring to your build over and over (along with my library) and over as I progress on my ship.

    I haven't gotten very far as work has its demands so I crawl along... but I retire in one year and will then have tons of time.

    You've done a fantastic job and you are sooooo close to done.


  11. I am back.

    Having successfully bevelled a futtock chock joint.

    What a painful process it was for me to accomplish.

    I pray I've got it going the proper way.


    If not S/Lt Martin (she has since been promoted to Admiral) will have my hide! :o


    Feels like I've a quadrillion to go... so many opportunities to improve :)

    bevelled chock.jpg

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