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James H

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Posts posted by James H

  1. 17 minutes ago, Kevin said:

    Can i add something into the conversation please 

    the link below takes you to the topic A Snapshot of MSW Members' Current Projects, one of the reason i created it was for this very reason.but sadly it has never really taken off, perhaps now is the time to get more members involved, one photo, a link to the build it is referring to and delete and previous posts of the same build


    I'm on hiatus until a large parcel turns up from Italy. 😆

  2. 44 minutes ago, glbarlow said:

    Do you mind my asking, is building And photographing models your work, or are you just this good in your spare time?

    Pretty much.


    I've been doing book and magazine work for about 10yrs in a lot of international titles, but that was in plastic modelling. I just needed to adapt it to wooden ships, which takes up far more space 😆

  3. Well, this is it folks, it's all done. It's taken me just under 11 weeks from start to finish, and that's around 10 days longer than I planned, simply because I've had to re-learn rigging again. The last time I did a fully-rigged warship was about 13yrs ago, so I was just a little rusty. I rigged this model in about 12 or 13 days, in total. I actually re-learned swear words that I'd also long forgotten.


    I have cut corners, there's no doubt, but that's more through necessity as I know Chris needed to get this kit sorted. Ordering the boxes is by far one of the longest jobs when it comes to wait times. But I can tell you that the model will now be available in early August (tentatively), and in standard and Master Shipwright editions.


    Please ignore the strange rear shroud line in this first photo. They don't cross. It was just me moving blocks etc. 

















    And here is the finished model, in various angles. Remember that the launch is only in one shot for effect as that will only be included in the Master Shipwright edition, and not shown on the box art.















    And here's the manual's cover...






    For me now, it's a very short break before I plough into the Amati Victory which I've just been told is being kitted for me at this moment. Hope you liked the Flirt build! I know it's abridged, but you can see the full manual in the kit ;)  

  4. 1 minute ago, Sjors said:

    Hoi James,


    I’am reading about the Victory.

    A lot of peoplehave say it, it’s gonna be huge!

    But a beauty!

    Anja knows that i always want to build one Victory.

    And i have seen this one now and this is the one that’s gonne be.

    Next year i work for the company for 40 years and i will recieve a money bonus ( i hope i still get it with this corona s**t)

    So take your time and i will sit at the front seat to watch you.




    You'll have about 2yrs from when I start to build this, to it being released, so you'll need to make sure that money is well looked after!

  5. 4 hours ago, mtaylor said:

    The concept of "expert" is somewhat vague.   There'really isn't a standard but more one of "what do you as a builder feel you are?".   Every manufacturer has their own idea of "level".


    I think that sometimes, because the model is something like 'Victory', large and expensive, there is a tendency to call it 'Expert', when in fact, if you've built a few smaller models, you could probably tackle it. Sort of like 'Intermediate'.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Articcie said:

    Thank you James for the warm welcome and your comment :) I will watch close to your build of this prototype, and if the time is there and my pockets are deep enough, I most likely will obtain this kit :D 

    I hope you'll enjoy the build. Any questions about it, and maybe anything I've not shown or later stages, feel free to ask.

  7. 56 minutes ago, Articcie said:

    So there will be 31 plans includes.. + a photo manual with written instructions? Seems dummy proof:blink: ! I guess its still an expert level kit? Just wondering what makes a kit like the victory an expert level kit... I would say that with this kind of information includes in the kit and a hell of a lot of patience.. it would be ok to build for even non expert level builders? Or am I mistaking here?


    There'll be more than one manual too. Maybe 2 or 3 manuals, depending on how Amati format it. I will try to make it as foolproof as possible, and Chris's design is such that it lends itself to ease of building. I think if you've got a few other kits under your belt, this is within a modeller's reach. 


    Oh, and...



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