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Posts posted by thibaultron

  1. Of the generally considered afford about ones for hobby use Sainsmart seems to have one of the best reputations. They have the 3018 Prover (made with aluminum frame)(don't get the cheaper of their models, or the off brands which are made with bakelite parts in the frame) with a 300X180mm table (slightly smaller cutting area, of course, about 6"x10"). They also have the 4030, 400X300mm. Both have extension kits available to increase the cutting area.  The 3018 can be enlarged to 300X400 with about 10"x12" cutting area, and the 4030 to 600x600. There are many really cheep versions of these out there, but they are also cheaply constructed, with no customer support.I found this company after watching videos by one YouTuber who had initially purchased one of those cheap units, and had many problems with broken/nonfunctional parts, and no replies by that manufacturer.


    There are also other quality makers of the 4030 size cnc carvers, but price goes up acourdingly.


    Get on YouTube and search for the SainSmart machines, lots of good tutorials.


  2. I'm looking at the mono also. Be careful if you have pets or children around, the resins are toxic.


    If you watch the "What's Neat This Week" #158 podcast with Ken Patterson (on YouTube), one of the members, who made a 3D printed HO scale locomotive, talks about the resin he uses to make the print usable in an environment where toughness is involved. Most of the resins are too brittle for general handling. He 3D printed the drive gears too.

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