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Posts posted by thibaultron

  1. I have a Cricut machine. The problem they both have, is that they are setup to cut image files, not CAD drawings. I have yet to be able to go from my CADs to a format that I can cut. Something simple like a building (all straight lines), can be drawn with several graphics programs, frames, decks and bulkheads, not so much so.


    The machine has been sitting for several months, as I've been to busy to get back to it. This fall/winter, I will try again.

  2. I watched a show many years ago on Queen Elizabeth I. In it they mentioned that ALL portraits or paintings of her commissioned or otherwise had to follow very strict rules. There was a pattern that was distributed for her face that was a sheet of paper, with many small holes. The artist place this on the canvas and used powder to mark the hole pattern. Then he had to paint "within the lines". I assume that the body proportions had to match the face. Any painting found that did not meet the standards, or paint her beautiful, was subject to harsh punishment! The painting AND the artist's studio would be burnt! I forget what additional punishment the artist himself received.


    So basically we know nothing about how she really looked, at least later in life.

  3. Western equivalent, HMS Furious Battlecruiser partially converted to carrier, then later to a full carrier.


    She was a weird duck too. Started out with two 18" guns one each in two turrets, one fore and one aft. Later fore turret removed, and flat top added forward. The Pilots had to manouver around the super structure to land. Later aft turret removed and aft flight deck added, but too much turbulance from super structure. Then cut down and made full carrier.

  4. My wife used to  write poetry to a service that hosted it free. Then one day, it was all gone! Got a message from the service that basicaly stated, "If you would like a copy of your files, send money." Worse even them your experience with Photo Bucket, at least you can still see them. As I remember the fee was fairly large too, didn't mater, we didn't have the money then.

  5. I received the Hagasawa 1/16th scale plastic Sopwith Camel kit, Saturday. A quick reveiw of it compared to the Model Airways kit follows.


    I bought the Hagasawa kit because it had more detail parts than the Model Airways kit. Engine cowl, front fuselage panels, etc. The Hagasawa kit is all plastic, and the MA kit has wood parts where the original does, though.


    The Hagasawa kit has many better details than the MA kit, but also lacks several. A major problem is that the wing ribs, for instance are supposed to be shaped like an “I” beam. A central web, with a horizontal web on the top and bottom. The Hagasawa ribs are flat.


    On the other hand the original plane had metal brackets at all the wood to wood joints in the fuselage. The Hagasawa kit has them molded onto the fuselage sections,  the MA kit does not have them. The MA kit has turnbuckles, the Hagasawa kit does not.


    The Clerget engine had 22 cooling ribs on each cylinder. The 1/8th scale Hagasawa engine kit has the correct amount. The 1/16th kit only has 18, I guess that there is only so much you can do with even a plastic casting. The MA metal casting for the cylinders has only 11 fins. The bolt detail on the Hagasawa kit is finer and close to scale, the MA kit is OK, but the details are a bit larger than scale.


    Some of the parts in the Hagasawa kit are also finer, like the wicker seat casting.


    I have not yet decided on whether to build the Hagasawa kit, and ignore the wing rib problem, add the webs at the top and bottom, or use the wing assemblies from the MA kit, on the Hagasawa. Using both very expensive kits to make one model is not appealing, though.


    I will build the Hagaswawa kit, and probably do the painful process of adding the rib webs.


    Selling the MA kit and using the money for other goodies, is probably smarter, but more thought has to go on before a final decision.


    The kit box



    The box contents, and the plastic parts spread out some.





    A close up of one half of the engine on the Hagasawa kit.



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