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Landlubber Mike

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Everything posted by Landlubber Mike

  1. Wow, happy you are building this one Greg - well maybe not, because you will set the bar way too high for me I actually have the kit, deck, and one of the PE sets (forget whether WEM or GMM), along with the RB barrels I think. The black hull, accented by brass and yellow funnels was a big draw for me. I didn't realize there was torpedo netting on this one - I might have to look into adding them when I eventually get to mine.
  2. Take care of yourself Kevin, get well soon!
  3. James that’s incredible work there. Hopefully I’ll have even a quarter of your talent down the road - gorgeous model! I have the same kit on the shelf, and you are setting the bar awfully high for us mere mortals...
  4. Be careful. I was sticking with wooden ships, then saw a couple of builds here and now have a stash of plastic models. With better quality kits, upgrade kits, and better painting and weathering options, it’s very easy to get sucked in. Personally, I find the subjects more interesting than the ubiquitous 18th century English warship.
  5. Ha, I recently badly cut my finger when a super sharp knife slipped cutting a watermelon. Not sure I’ll ever buy a whole watermelon again!
  6. I’ve tried a bunch of pin pushers. The Amati one worked the best but then broke at the end of my Badger build. I’ve been using that Pin Insertion Plier and love it. I use it for pinning the first planking. The best is that you don’t have to push the pin all the way - just enough to keep it steady while the glue sets. Then you can use the pliers to pull them out with ease, and likely reuse the pins again. I’d recommend it without hesitation.
  7. Looking sharp OC! This paint scheme is going to look fantastic.
  8. OC, I couldn’t agree more with Ed. Having such a connection makes this a really special model. You’ve actually inspired me to think about a model for my dad - he drove muscle cars before having my two siblings (a Mercury i think in the 60s and a Dodge Challenger in the 70s that I distinctly remember). I just need to find the years and models that would be appropriate.
  9. Another thing to add to the list. Is it just Citadel White or does it have a special name? Thanks!
  10. I got the 1.75x 14” focal length (3 diopter) and 2.5x 8” focal length (5 diopter). I generally go with the first one. I do wear glasses - I’m nearsighted. I was always fine close up but last couple of years my eyes have gotten worse from age (am mid 40s now). The optivisor helps!
  11. Wow, very nice work, thanks for sharing. Love the belfry and other details!
  12. Lou - I went with an Optivisor with glass lenses and the clip on LED attachment. My wife rolls her eyes, the kids think the whole set up is cool (especially when the lights are on), but I couldn't see working on tiny PE without it. Focal length is very important. I ended up getting two different visors so I didn't have to swap out lenses. The first set of lenses had too close of a focal length for my liking so I only use it occasionally. It's almost like you need a higher table (like one of those watchmaker tables) or you'll have neck and back issues.
  13. Craig thanks for posting that video. So informative at only six minutes! I’ve noticed the limitations on using a smaller needle airbrush (I have a 0.35 Iwata Eclipse I believe). Any recommendations on which of the three Iwatas for painting/pruning larger models? Wasn’t sure whether to go 0.5, 0.6, or 1.0. I’ve got a few in the stash, including the 1/350 Akagi 😉
  14. Oh goody, another RGL masterpiece to follow. Nice job so far! Is it me, or does it seem like the Italians put wonderful lines and other design elements in everything they make? Clothes, cars, warships, etc.
  15. The ports indeed are spaced different lengths from each other along the hull. However, when you look at the ship from the profile side, due to the curvature in the hull, they look equally spaced on the two-dimensional image. I guess what I meant to say is that if a kit manufacturer set up the bulkheads in such a way that a gunport would fall in the middle of the two bulkheads, it would greatly simplify measuring where the ports should lie on the hull (you would essentially just have to measure the vertical distance, which is a little easier if you can measure up from the deck). Thanks JP. Yours is the only log I've found (besides the one on the Russian site) and I check your pictures constantly. Are you still working on yours?
  16. Not to dredge up the evils of PE, but here are some pictures of what I've been dealing with on the 1/700 side. Might make you feel better
  17. Lou that's coming out really nicely. Those figures look amazing, this is going to be a very sweet build.
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