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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. That would indeed be an uncomfortable situation. It could be possible that the rest of the hammocks were left on the berthing deck and brought up top in a rotation every other day also.
  2. Between acrylic and enamel, I don't think it matters which kind of primer, but be sure to clean the metal good before-hand.
  3. Yeah, as long as they're made close to scale, and the racks are full, it's probably something only you as the builder would actually be aware of. And I think it adds considerably to the over-all looks of an already impressive vessel. Cheers
  4. Looking nice Dennis. Didn't know about Testors' Window Maker. That'll come in handy for the berthing deck lights in the Connie. Thanks for sharing! Cheers
  5. Nice job Frank! Love the detail. Cheers
  6. Didn't get that in my kit. Must have been a new replacement fix when you got yours. Cheers
  7. Nice job on the hardware Tom! I need to check my kit now for an extra rudder. Don't remember seeing 2.
  8. I think you've got it Nenad. Looks good!
  9. No kidding! A true craftsman he is.---I'd love to get my hands on a carving set like that!---It'd probably blow my card right out of the water! Oh Oh--The Admiral's mumbling something about "grounds for serious demotion"---if not, bodily injury.
  10. I don't think the brass was ugly by any means, but I think the wood's looking better! Cheers
  11. I don't believe the pictures not uploading is your fault Piet! There was trouble earlier with the Advanced uploader, but I guess the Basic one still works. They're working on a fix. See this post. Cheers
  12. Computers!---------They called that progress when they were invented, but sometimes I wonder. Sorry about the re-do, but at least you DID catch it. That's something. Cheers
  13. Nice work on the shrouds John! She's looking better all the time. Cheers
  14. Thanks Ulises! Oh when I saw the big table and chairs, I thought you might have been doing some work there. Sorry. Cheers
  15. Just happened across your build Ulises. You're doing a fine job on her and I'd like to pull up a seat for this one if you don't mind. P.S. Glad you found a larger area to work on her with. Cheers
  16. Oh yeah! Metal bands-----Carrying handles-----Attention all squirrels!-----Get ready for your A-Game!
  17. Hi Jay Were you considering putting the rolled-up hammocks in between the netting? If so, maybe they could be used to more or less hold the netting in place while drying. Cheers
  18. Wow man! Nice work on those tiny details. Gonna have to pull up a chair. I can see the squirrels you have helping you out with all that tiny crafting must be related to Matt's squirrels, maybe from the same litter. Cheers
  19. Glad to see you're back on the 019 Piet. I've got every confidence in your ability to craft a fix for this hinge. The next thing will be NASA knocking on your door to fabricate fixes for their spaceships. Cheers
  20. Just spent some time going over this build of yours Jesse. Very well done! She's a masterpiece to be admired! Cheers & Fair Winds
  21. Very nice Frank! Very nice! Cheers
  22. I too will be pulling up a chair if you don't mind Chief. Like Patrick, and everybody else I suspect, I was fascinated with your story. I think knowing some of the historical background will make watching the build even more interesting! Thanks for sharing sir. Cheers
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