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Everything posted by clearway

  1. thanks for the views and comments everyone- back in the shipyard and we have the rest of the keels, the sternpost assembly and the bulwarks planked- still need trimmed around openings though😁. also bought these 1/72 ships boats from quaycraft which are 85mm long- i have a 100mm boat and some stud link anchor chain on order with cornwall model boats- by the time i have finished will have spent more on upgrades than cost of kit 🤪 take care all Keith
  2. hello keith if you go to matthew kassebaum's hms victory log there is a link posted by mtaylor regarding making furled sails.😉 Keith
  3. nice deck shot keith- note the sheaves in the bits on the fife rails at the base of the mast- the rope you see leading through one of them then tied off is for the jeers holding the lower yard up. i am going to plank them as i will most likely go for a varnished hull with just the "ice bumper" and lower masts bowsprit , mast doubling , tops and crosstrees painted white. Keith
  4. and we move on with the fore yard lifts rigged- not sure whether to run the rope straight to the kevel or rig a block and tackle on the channel then to the kevel🤔 take care all Keith
  5. cheers Jeff and thanks for likes and views as always everyone. giving the prow plenty of time to dry before fitting forefoot and keel /sternpost so started fitting the waterway. next up will line the bulwarks with the ceiling planks- dont know why occre didn't bother with any? Keith
  6. pic below shows set up for topsail yard halliard post 1810 -the topgallant yard halliard goes through a sheave in the topgallant mast.
  7. the rigging will hold the masts in place- occre do include a block in the middle of the yard for the jeers so this will hold the yard up then the lifts from the end of the yards to the masts will keep them trim- i have never glued a yard to a mast- you need the play because you will catch them by accident (wish i had a fiver for everytime i have knocked victory's yards so far! Keith
  8. lol keith we best not take over this guys log lol but yes you are right with the furled sails. Keith
  9. that is correct keith- unless modelling as a museum ship (victory and constitution to name two where they are "hoisted " but without sails like my victory build. Keith
  10. in reality it was a lot more complicated than what occre have shown! the truss which holds the yard to the mast is in two interlocking runs which lead to blocks at base of mast- the yard being held aloft by the jeer blocks and sling.- see my hms victory log which shows earlier style but terror would have had later style which run the trusses slightly differently😁- hope i havn't scared you too much😱 Keith
  11. thanks for the views likes and comments everyone- the deck planking is now in and shaped and filed a filler piece for the bulwark at the bows using a piece of scrap ply from another build, and glued the stem piece in place. take care all Keith
  12. maybe add little strips in the middle to simulate the teeth for the ratchet to bite into Jeff😁- looking good though. Keith
  13. hmmm if in doubt just model them as in the pic- no one can say they didn't look like that you have photo proof😉- it is intriguing though. Keith
  14. looks about right Keith as people had to get past them- below is a shot from an old book on ship modelling showing various steering set ups across the ages:- ships at the time of terror were sort of a cross between diagram F and H Keith
  15. ty for looking in - as always it is appreciated. little more progress with the jeers now rigged on the fore yard (more salty talk for keith s😉)! take care everyone Keith
  16. i think the davits would have been on bearings at the bottom which would allow them to be lowered hence the winch in the centre Keith
  17. it would make life easier if we lived closer keith i agree lol- the masting and rigging book will explain a lot and if in doubt ask and i will advise as best i can- occre did get some parts kind of right but with this billings victory the trusses wern't actually in the instructions and they put jeers on the mizzen which she didn't have so it's a common problem- don't know if i'm breaking copyright but found a still from the terror series showing the boat skids and one of those davits- note square davit post with round derrick coming off it- think some sort of gooseneck fitting would have been used. i will post it on my terror build if you are interested Keith
  18. Hi keith- love the "little terror" name myself- i admit planking the deck would have been a lot easier the way occre did it, but if was just going to fill, prime and paint the first planking layer and inside the bulwarks it would have been a lot easier not worrying about getting paint on the wooden deck- also stops so much dust and fingerprints when handling her while the heavy sanding goes on- don't berate your little terror- for a first time build it looks great and with your mods it is already a cut above the rest. as regards the book it is more about the search and only photo is of one of the metal pintles that hold the davit posts to the deck some lovely shots of the arctic though- i am also waiting for another book about the loss and discovery of erebus and terror so will see if any juicy shots in that- i agree with you i am not bothered about plates, and goggles- i want to see structural details on the deck fittings and like you the engine room. Keith
  19. lol Keith- the trusses are what hold the yard to the mast and the pendants are the block assemblies that hold it to the deck and allow adjustment. The jeers are the blocks on top of the yard and take the weight along with the sling- you will have to do a slightly altered version of this on your terror as occre cut corners surprise surprise😉 Keith
  20. Hi Jo - my kit was the old style one from before they were laser cutting everything- in my kit it was a solid piece of wood you cut the groove into- but i think they go side by side to form this :- hope this helps- i need to give her a real good dusting😱 keith
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