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Everything posted by BobG

  1. Very nice, Tom. I might even be able to plank a hull like that without messing up too badly! 🤣
  2. Simply stunning, Jean-Paul. The finish on the cherry planking is incredibly beautiful. The cedar may be easier to work with but I think you will be rewarded grandly for the extra effort of using cherry. Well done!
  3. Kurt did a great job explaining the necessary basics. He went over safety, setup and adjustment, various blades and accessories, different kinds of cuts and cutting lap joints. It was especially helpful for those of us who are new to table saws but also a good review for those more experienced. He said it will be available to NRG members on the website soon. He also said that there will be a part 2 workshop that will get into more advanced techniques.
  4. I'll add my positive vibes being sent your way along with all the others, Mark. I've been enjoying following your build very much and I look forward to you getting back at it real soon.
  5. Good idea just to test this on some scrap wood that's similar to the veneers that you'll be using to make sure it doesn't warp the wood. Good luck, Harry!
  6. I think you're right, Grant. I just wasn't sure how much time he was thinking about when he said he needed a "bit of a safety net."
  7. I think he was just trying to help you out by finding the missing part for you...and got a little bit carried away with his excitement when he found it!
  8. Flexing the deck like that would have made me nervous. Sounds like it is a very tight fit.
  9. That's been my experience as well, Yves. I also like the fact that it isn't runny which makes it nice for vertical surfaces too.
  10. I've found that Titebond Thick & Quick very useful when I want a quicker grab than regular Titebond or white glue but still have some time to make adjustments. I've also heard of folks adding a bit of CA to regular Titebond to help it set up a little faster. You might want to try some tests on scraps with the Thick & Quick, if you can find it, and some combinations of regular PVA with CA added to it and see how much wiggle time you have with these various glues.
  11. This is the only way to think about it...hindsight is always 20-20...she looks really good with the primer...
  12. I just got caught up on your log, Mark. Wow...she's really coming along nicely and quickly! Well done!
  13. I'll be following along closely, Andrew, this handsome, little model is on my radar. I'm so glad that Chris is diversifying his line of models to include working vessels and I hope he will continue to do so. Good luck!
  14. Be sure to start a build log when you begin. I'll be looking forward to following along. The Pen Duick is such a beautiful boat with a long, wonderful history.
  15. Will you be building your Pen Duick from scratch or from the Artesania Latina kit? I think the AL kit is the only one for the Pen Duick. I'm having a heck of a time trying to understand the rigging for the gaff topsail on the Pen Duick. The AL instructions and plans are poor when it comes to the rigging.
  16. This was a excellent and informative video. Thanks for posting it.
  17. Amazing work, Grant! I've carefully read your method for making the complex joints and I still can't wrap my head around it. I would never have been able to figure that out...way beyond my pay grade!
  18. I'll be interested in the answers you get, Glenn. I always feel uncertain about the fairing process. I do my best checking with a batten as I go along but I never feel like I know when to stop or keep going. Have I taken off enough or too much? Knowing when it is just right remains a mystery to me...
  19. Really nice work, Travis, and your close up photos are excellent.
  20. I know that you have no plans to offer that Winnie stand but it sure is beautiful. I think it really compliments the model wonderfully.
  21. Nice fix, Eric, it looks so much better. Sometimes major surgery is necessary to save the patient!
  22. I just came across your build log and your Andrea Gail is coming along very well. This is a very nice model that we don't often see built here. Good job!
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